Beauty pageant hurt.

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Ever since I enter miss Miami I have reduced lot of weight. Each day was a surprise. Out of 16 contestants we were left with 5. And today one will be out, the four will go on finals on Sunday. Although I know my conference level is high but each day was a night mare. I have really missed  my boys, ever since I came I haven't had time with them again. I really don't want to disappoint them especially Riley. Time was up to face the judges, we all dressed up beautiful today is a question week an just praying I get a question that I very well understand.
"Maya please pick a paper here and hand it over to me" one of the judges said and I walked closer to him. I took the paper as my hands shakes.
" Your question how do you want to aspire others?"
Woww I have never taught of this question in my whole life, why should it appear today.

"How do I aspire others, I don't want to be a role model to the whole world. I'm not that great neither am I perfect but I least I want my children and my little genius out there to some day say I want to be like Maya Nelson. And I can achieve this positive comment by leaving a moral life going according to the rules and regulations of Miami, helping others around and being a mother to all who are motherless. thank you" I wasn't impressed by my answer but that's the only thing I can think of after all I didn't prepare for that question but I hope I get small l marks from it.

" Miss Maya Nelson who inspires you?" Wow another tough question in front of me who inspires me I've never thought of that question to being a beauty pageant hurt they just ask cute things you don't know off and things you don't think of who inspires me that's a hard one there.

" The person who inspires me wooow that a hard question there, but anyways the person who inspires me is Hector Dylan. He is the freest man I have ever known. He is free to explore, create and love. He value people, and uplift which motivate others to bring the best In themselves. He inspires by leaving an exemplary life and encourage others to feel there is something worthwhile to become and do. Thank you Hector Dylan for such a wonderful life. Thank you" The judges ask me to wait back stage as they question the other contestants. I wasn't so sure of my answer because aspirations and inspiration is something I have never taught of. For about about an hour we were still waiting to hear what the judges have to say and also who is going home. The MC called us to stage again, my heart missed Abit.

" Maya when you came on stage, your confident Level was high but when you heard The question you looked alittle bit puzzled. But anyways I like the way you spoke your heart out and also how you address Hector Dylan, we thought your inspirer was going to be a legend but rather a different person which was so Unique of you." My heart felt at ease I thought i was going to get the worst complement. I could see The way Tina was shaking but she also did well just as the rest.

" I have four pictures here but infront of me are five beautiful and sexy ladies. Who stays and who goes home. If your hear your name you move forward. Ellen, Heyley, Elise and Maya" my God I made it to the finals, we hugged each other and jumped around oh am sorry Tina is going home. She was the fun of the house but now she is leaving us. I wish my children where here so I give them the biggest hug. Am sure by now they are watching me on television.

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