they look exactly like their father

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Alex and Riley looks so much like their father. But Riley look so more like me he acts more like me although he is just a baby. I was happy at least my birth was successful I never imagine they were twins. I'm so happy having them right now and I thank God I  never born them into poverty. Hector is a God send angel he has really helped me in so many ways I really don't know how to pay him back. But ever since Karim went there's not even a phone call it was only once he sent money into my account till  date I've never heard of him again. I wonder what's happening to him I hope he's doing all right and I'm praying he's coping with studies. I just want him to be my champion, to win more awards so one day if we get married our house will have to be full of awards and Alex will take his dad's place and Riley will take my place maybe he will not become a lawyer but I'm sure he will become a detective. just kidding I can't decide for their future yet cuz I don't know what tomorrow holds Hector helped me out of the hospital room we sit in the car and he drove off home the gate was open as usual. He tried opening the door but it wasn't responding, he looked at me and I did Same. what was happening to it, it should have open just by a single command but it is not. He decide to call nature he does more of the computer works than the other robots but it seems he's not picking he tried it once and the door opened he got so angry of course he couldn't control his anger I should have been resting but I was standing outside. we just entered and I was so surprised to see the house well decorated "WELCOME HOME, MAYA"  I felt so happy knowing am important to them. Tristan run to me with a balloon in his hand, I'm so happy that he thinks I'm his mum. I'll do my possible best and take care of him just us I'll take care of my own children I will never discriminate between them I love all of them equally especially Tristan because he was the first person who call me mother and I will show him unconditional Love until he need it know more. "welcome back terrible disturber. I thought you were going to die but you came back alive I'm happy to see you my dear"  I felt so happy, anyways why did he think I was going to die does he really think I'm that weak such an idiot I'm happy having him back. The fun will be completed with Nature around. "Thailand take the twins to their room and make sure you get your mother something to eat and get her hot water to bath to"
" ok boss I'll do that right away' thank you Tyler don't worry when they grow alittle they will play around with you. But wait where is Dylan I haven't seen him"
" he's creating another robot. so unless you go to the garage" "that's weird why should he be creating a robot at this time?"
They are for your children. The robot are going to serve them.
"I'll see you guys later"
" wait, what is the name of your children?"
" Nature couldn't you just ask later, now I really want to rest" he walked away and I knew he was feeling bad but I'm really tired I just want to lie down for ever.  My legs are feeling so weak  birth is not easy  "men" nurses shouting on you, doctor shout no you just for push anyways it's worth it

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