I never knew he came back 2

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The boys have been in the room for almost 2 hours dressing up for Karima and kalma's birthday. I think ladies who should be doing this how can young boys be in their room and lock themselves up for almost two hours. But am supposed to  bath and dresse them not themselves.  "Alex, Riley what has kept you guys we almost late for the party you better open The door by The count of 1" before I  say Jack the door was opened. they were looking so handsome I never knew they could take care of themselves in my absence. I love Riley white suit is really fit him. Alex his is a little bit different but it's ok if it's well designed. "you better take the gift you bought for them to the car let me go and check on your brother" they run to the hall and took their gift box. Tristan's door was  locked to and I wonder what is wrong with my boy cuz he has never locked his door.

"hey baby, are you still dressing?"

"no mom I don't want to go"
that feels weird he was the one asking me for birthday time why doesn't he want to go again "baby is something wrong, do you want us to talk?"

" no more mum am ok have fun"

"no Tristan I'm not leaving this
house without you"

" seriously"

"yes baby you're my priority and my first born you always have to by your brothers to support each other and I don't want you to repeat this. wherever I'm going we are all going"

he opened the door and took his gifts bag as we walk to the car. The gate opened at once without me commanding it.  A white car drove in. oh my god Hector is back but I thought he was coming on Monday and today is Thursday oh god what am I going to tell him. The children runned to him and I was standing there looking for a suitable lie to tell him.

"where you guys going?"

"Dad a friend of us is celebrating  their birthday and we thought of going going to celebrate with them"

" daddy are you tired?"
Riley ask with a calm voice, that boy is never calm he just wants his dad to Join.

I'm not any, problem my champion?"

" please join us let's go if we have to go to a friend of ours birthday our parents needs to be there, we know her their mum and am sure today will meet their dad and they also know our mum and today they will meet our dad"

" Riley I told you to stop those kind of things what are you doing to my car that is it a new car"

" please Daddy let's use this car I don't want to use mom's old car" Jesus no way Riley has finished me again, so now he  has seen a new car he classifier my as old car. Riley my god what have I done wrong to get such a child.

" ok if you say so then let's go" they all running inside the car, he walked closer and my heart missed a beat cuz he is going to start asking questions I don't have answers to.

"welcome back" I welcomed him with my head buried on the floor

it's ok don't be tensed I told you I didn't want them to be going out but I think it's time they know more about the world come on let's go." 

"Oh Hector ok let me give you a hug" he walked more closer and embraced me, woow it been a while I have gotten a hug from someone different from Karim and my children.  we got to karima's house exactly 5:29 and the party  supposed to start at 5:30. Everyone turned to look at Hector's car Riley took the key from his father's hands and lock the door. That boy is really hectic I don't know what it's supposed to mean by him doing that. karima and kalma ran to us welcome us in. Alex introduced then Hector to them. Karima  held my hands and kalma held Hector's hand and pulled us in. The hall was beautiful and well decorated and everything is so attractive.

Maya you made it am so happy to see you. where are little boys?" I think they will come  in any moment from now."

" ok make yourself comfortable I'll ask the servant to get you something to drink"

" thank you Kylie"

" oh is that your husband he's good looking am Kylie"

" nice to meet you Kylie I'm Hector"(shaking hands)

Hector you look familia oh yeah you are the one who invented robot, oh my god I'm so happy to see you"

"Yeah nice Kylie but anyways where is your husband?"

"He is going to get the girls cake"

"It will be my pleasure to meet him" he sat down and smile alittle.

" make yourself comfortable as I said earlier I will just do some few things and get back to you shortly."
the show begans exactly 5:40 there were lots of children in somewhere dancing, somewhere playing, somewhere shooting water balloons. For the rest I really can't tell what they doing. I enjoy every single fun it's 8:30 now I think we should start going. I looked around for the boys. O'Reilly  suit became Brown I thought he was the neatest. I held their hand and we walked towards Hector.

"Kylie we are leaving thank you so much for the birthday everything is on point"

"wait till you  meet my husband before leaving just wait a minute I'll be right back."we stood there for almost 15 minutes I wonder what her husband is doing. my god is this not Karim,  know it's my imagination Karim..... heavens karim betrayed me.

" Karim darling this my friend Maya her husband Hector and their beautiful boys Tristan, Alex and Riley"

"Nice to meet you karim" he looked at me and I pretend not to know him, my heart was melting with tears but I couldn't just spoil those adorable kids birthday.

" Mum he has the same black spot I have on my head look" Alex cried out and I smiled alittle. I think I should get them out of here before they get to see more things meaning Karima, kalma , Alex and Riley are step siblings.

" Kylie we will be heading home now thanks for the invitation please Karim do take care of my friend and my lovely daughter's byee girls"

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