getting tired of robot

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Leaving in Hector's Mansion was so beautiful having lots of robots is so wonderful you don't have to do any work you just relax your body as they do lots of the work. Tristan was lying on my leg as styling massaged my hair it's been a long time I felt like this. we played video games together we did a lot of dance moves together It was so nice having robot around. my tummy was getting bigger bigger bigger and bigger each day it was already 6 months but It felt like 9 months already sometimes I feel like it will explored because of the way it's huge and big. it's so nice, sometimes island will take pictures and post it on Facebook it so ridiculous but anyways it's so beautiful out I remembered we got 4k likes, 2k comment and 1k share. "Maya I thought boss told you to go to hospital for check-up what are you still doing here?" I really don't understand, I have never gotten a perfect relationship with Nature. He never liked me, I never knew robot to have emotions. why should he hate me if i have never wrong him. Nature would you mind taking me to the hospital?" "no way, you go to the hospital alone boss never told me to assist you so I will not"
' such a rude robot can't you see I'm pregnant and I need
"I don't really care whether you're pregnant or not all I need is for you to go for check up  Infact I don't want to have anything to do with you so annoying bye" he's so annoying I really don't know what is wrong with him but how will I go if Tristan will not allow me to go anywhere, he will want to follow me and Hector warned me never to take him out of the house. Nature will not help me out too such a stupid robot. "Thailand will you please carry Tristan into his room, I want to go to the hospital and you know he would want to follow me. you know your boss will kill me if I have to go with him."
"Mother you know Tristan will cry the whole day if he wakes up and he doesn't see you and if he cries too and boss comes home, he's going to blame me for not taking care of him well. you know-how Tristan likes crying. He will never stop until he sees you. please mother I don't really want to be involved in this" "Thailand you know I can't go out with Tristan, Hector will kill me alive. He has really warn me so many times not to send his son out and I can't disobey him. please why don't we wake him up and you play with him till I return."
" mother why don't you wait for boss to come before you go" she was right I really have to wait for Hector to come. sometimes Tristan it's so irritating and I don't want to get Thailand into trouble if she was a robot it would have been better but she is a human being she's going to get a lot of insults. I'll just stay till Hector come will just go in the evening. "mum I want ice cream let's go to the park and have ice cream" Jesus, he want me to take him out and I'll be buried alive. "When your father return from work he can take you out Please count me out. baby you know I'm tired you see this big thing in front of me I can't walk so when I give birth I will take you want for what ever you want" I really don't understand why Hector doesn't want to send the boy out. I heard when he was born and his mum passed away, he has never been out and he doesn't go to school too which I think is wrong he is 4 now. He should be in school playing with friends having lots of fun. why should he be lock up in the house with annoying robots especially nature. Dylan is different at least he respect and he cares a lot not to talk of annoying ones like nature. I now understand why Hector always send Dylan to his workplace.

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