giving birth to ungrateful child

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The boys have lock themselves in the room every since we came back from Miami Queen. Noon of the wanted to see me I really don't understand why am the only one at fault here. I decided to also be in the room, I wonder how they even eat now that Thailand is gone on vacation am sure sooner or later they will come looking for me in hunger. They never gave me the chance to explain things to them well. Oh God I forget today is the day Kylie and the kids are coming over. I quickly runned to the kitchen am sure sooner or later they would be here.

" Guys please come out from your rooms your friends are coming over to day for lunch."

" We don't want to see you mom so we are not coming" am sure Riley is the is the one polluting his brothers brains."

"Tristan' I thought you are the elderly to talk to your brothers about their foolishness but rather you have joined them. Do you know what you guys are ungrateful human beings, oh don't forget who bathed you when you were kids although you are still kids, and sometimes I still bath you I  breastfed you stupid souls and Riley almost cut my breast off. Today you are telling me that you don't want to see me. For something i did for the benefit of us. Now will you get you fucken ass out of that room before I ground you for the whole year dare Riley, dare Alex and dare me Tristan by the count of one out of that room. Good boys now come help me in the kitchen." Woow that was easy I should have taught of that the whole time. The robot cleaned up  the house as the boys cleaned up their rooms am sure Hector is also on his way home from work. I need to have everything on point I can't wait to see the reaction on  Karim face when he sees the kind of house am leaving in.

" Mum look there is a white car in front of the house, woow mum you look simply amazing."

"Okay am sure your siblings are in"

" What did you say mum"

"(Laughing) am mean am sure your friends are in let me go get the gate later." Riley will kill me oh god this my mouth anyways the truth will come out sooner or later. I wonder how am going to reveal this secret to the kids especially their mum I would be greatful if karim have told his wife already.

" Open the gate Hector" it seems like everyone in the car was amazed, they haven't seen anything yet. But wait why is karim not here he should be here so I get to tell them the truth infact uncle and Aunt are also coming why should he miss this one.

" Maya you have a lovely house, so beautiful And perfect."

" Thanks Kylie, hello girls how are you?"

"We good Aunt, where are the boys aunty?" You mean your step Brothers oh God I hope this children are going to take it easy on us especially me.

" Open the door Tristan'?" I could see the surprise face both mother and daughters were having karim is a total idoit how could he do this to me. Kylie wait where is your husband?

" Oh he is on his way he wasn't dressed up when we were leaving am sure by now he will be coming." I hope he is prepared for questions cuz I have lots of stuff to asked him more than the children has. I decided to sit out and wait for the rest even Hector is not yet back home, I wonder what is keeping him long. The gate opened at once and I knew Hector Dylan is back. I got up and walked towards his car. He opened his arms ready to embrace me. I walked slowly to him and he took me and spinned me around.

" You look beautiful my queen and the crown fit your gown you are the most beautiful queen in the whole wide world."

" Thank you my king, wait I think you should go take a shower first you are sweating alot"

" If the queen orders then I have no right but to do exactly that love you" oh Hector he looks super handsome I just wish I had known him earlier and Riley and Alex were his blood children. But destiny never wrote that down for me.

." Mum is our real dad coming?" Goodness Riley will give me a heart attack one day what kind of child is this who will not stop spying on me.

" Riley you scared me to death why are you tormenting my life like that. Get back inside before I report you to your dad."

" Mum that man is not my dad he is not even related to me once I don't even have a drop of his blood why do you classifier him as my dad" I rose my hand to slap him,

"how dare you talk foolishly like that don't you know who a father is. So you means you prefer your stupid dad to the man who gave you shelter, cloth you, took care of you to the man who had never worsted Money on you".

" Mum please enough, you should get to know Riley by now he would not stop worrying anyone"

"Shut up Alex you really don't know how wicked mum is how can she take us far away......." Without him finishing his sentence Alex slapped him

" You are the wicked one here, don't ever talk Ill about my mother (yelling) she carried us nine months in her womb and three years in her arms. And you just stood low and disrespected her, did you ask her the reason you didn't grow up with your father did you. I curse the day you became my twin brother, you are such ungrateful percent how dare shout on your mom at this age. What has Hector done you not to deserve a position of a father in your heart. He always defend us anytime mum wants to scold us." I never knew Alex would ever speak highly and defend me like that, I thought he was going to support his brother am really proud of my son. Riley really want to kill me he shouldn't worry I will go sooner before he noticed

" Alex is enough let go he can fell free and go and look for his dad"

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