I have made a mistake 2

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We decided to walk in and tell the rest about the whole story. Everyone was happy and nobody noticed the time we came in. I looked at the happiest children who were chasing each other around. I wonder how they were going to take in this news especially the girls for my boys they have been waiting for this day to come. Karim cleared his throat and everything ones attention came on us, especially the children he asked everyone to be seated he went to the fridge and brought a bottle of water to his mum. He started narrating the story, I could see the reaction on Hector's face I think he was afraid I was going to leave him. Anty couldn't stop taking the water infact uncle almost fainted. Majid got up from his seat and gave his brother a slap, well I really don't know the reason Rookie did the same thing and went out. I felt bad for the guy who was in tears. Uncle looked at me and I quickly now my head at least he should have known about it but we hide it from him, Aunty couldn't stop crying and I wonder why or is it because she threw me away from her house with her grandchildren in my womb.

" We are really sorry about our past, uncle we knew you will not support our decision when we tell you, that why we kept it to ourselves we are truly sorry." Everyone was speechless especially Hector I could see tears were forming in his eyes but the thing is that am still going to marry him as time goes on karim and Kylie would fall in love and everything will look perfect.

You are my dad, meaning Karima and kalma are my step siblings, I wanted to know so much who my father was I even spoke to mum rudely I wish I had never know who he was at least I would have want to be with karima but no is end up in a wrong, you mum tell me if you were able to fall for your cousin is it wrong to fall for my step sister?" I said it Riley was going to kill me alive today he is really doing it, I really don't know what to say if he just slapped me with my past.

" Dear your mum and I were cousin not siblings we don't have each other's blood that much but karima is my child and you are my child which makes you siblings just take away the step and infact you are too young to talk about love. Sure when you get to age 15 and 19 you will meet beautiful girls just like your mum so please don't be in hurry, you will just crush like the way your mum and I have okay" he nob his head a little I hope he has really reason with his dad. I decided to go and talk to Hector who was gone to his room am feeling so bad and and guilty for everything that is happening to us.

" Hector I think we need to talk"

"I know what you are about to say to me so it okay"

" Even if I have to tell you I love you very much and want to leave with you forever" he quickly got up from his bed I was happy to see a smile form on his face now, he really deserve to be loved by me alot Karim would just have to work things out with his wife and I will be doing same thing here. Maybe we were never meant to be that why everything happened like that. Am just happy to see the family back together. I happy Riley knows who his father is now and I wouldn't have to hear rude words from him again.

" I promise you I would make you the happiest woman on Earth, I will never give you a reason to cry nor suffer, you will be my present and my last" it seems I have heard those words before, I walked closer to him and kissed him it been awhile since I have ever kissed someone it feels great. I didn't realize the time everyone starts clapping I thought I locked the door, am happy we Are all back together and also happy.

" Marry her soon!!!!, marry her soon!!!!, marry her soon!!!" They all started shouting especially Riley. I went closer carried him and spinned him around my baby boy.

" I have a plan let go play water balloons" everyone turned to go leaving Karim and I.

" Am happy for you may I very well know that Hector would occupy the space I couldn't occupy please do take care of yourself and our kids."

" Don't worry I will please I beg you do try and ask Kylie for a romantic date The one you weren't able to do for me, who knows you two were made for each other just as Hector and I were made for each. Let make peace with our past so it doesn't get let me destroy our present. You are my cousin and forever would you be# cousins for life go join the others"

"Okay my queen after you" am happy we made up. sometimes you ex doesn't mean your enemy who knows when you will both need each other's help one-day.

THE FIN😘😘😘😍🤩😜😛😝

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