I have made the biggest mistake in my life 1

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My heart couldn't stop bleeding with tears ever since Riley spoke badly about me. He should know how I suffered bringing him out, I really don't understand which blood group he has. He bow his head the whole time we were talking in our lunch. I feel sorry for myself for such an ignorant child sometimes too I feel he is my breath, today Riley has really shocked me to the fullest and I don't even no what to do to him again. What type of punishment hasn't he face in my hands.

"Mum the bell is ringing should I get it?" Am sure is Karim, everyone thought he wouldn't come again. I got up slowly and walk outside I could see his face from a long distance.

" Open the gate Hector?" I was praying not to ever set eyes on him again but today look at me standing in front of the father of my twins. He is looking different more responsible and has a guilty face, was this the guy I entrusted my whole life too, the guy who promised never to leave me for anything, the guy who gave me a ring to curse him if he  ever leaves me. Thank God I never did that and never will I do that.

" Maya congrats............" I slapped him twice and I was willing to do it again, he has no right to mention my name. He is such a monster and he really doesn't know about that.

" Don't you ever mention my name in your life. Karim even hell will not take you in, you are such a wicked person, you lied to me you betray my trust you even broke my heart and you have the  mouth to congratulate me. Shame on you, Karim I said shame on you I trusted you Soo much that I will have die for your success, I was Willing to see you high above all but you pay me back with Betrayal." His tears were dropping and I wonder what was happening to him, I wasn't expecting that at all.

" Please May listen to my side of the story before you judge me completely please give me a chance to tell my side of the story   please" well am curiose to know what happened before he left me in darkness.

" What do you have to say for yourself"

" May I never left you, I understand I betray you but the fact is I got Kylie pregnant unknowly. My friend invited me to her birthday party and we got drunk, we later found out she was pregnant and her dad forced me to marry her or get me arrested for life. You can even ask mum and dad if they were present at my wedding they didn't know  about it you can if ask Kylie if we got married perposely because of love. I didn't know her either does she know me but because of the children we have to come together as husband and wife. I told her everything the first day you came to the children's birthday that was the same day I also return from UK to Miami. I want to stop you from saying yes when Hector propose marriage to you but I was afraid you will disgrace me infront of the whole Miami. If you don't believe a word i say ask Kylie she will be the rightful person to tell you all." I slapped him again, how could he do such a thing to me, how could he keep such a big secret from me, how could he let me judge him wrongly. Why didn't he call me why didn't he tell me the whole truth earlier am feeling so sorry for myself because I have judge him in a wrong way, he never betrayed me he was just taking care of his responsibility.

" May please don't walk away tell me something, please I know hell doesn't even deserve me but please let Earth deserve me alittle, I wrong you I should have called you but my fone was stolen I couldn't even get in touch with my family members cuz I have nobody's number off head. The money I save to send to you and the kids I used that for marriage even if you don't love me anymore but please don't deprive me from my children, look I will pay Hector double of what he has done for you people even if I have to sell myself to him just to be grateful. I swear I never meant to hurt you I was never ready to loss you but it seems I have please don't let me loss my last breath on Earth my children. Is it to much to ask?" He held my shoulders and shook me I was burning with tear I am short of words everything seems like dream to me. I have made a mistake, I have made mistake again how could this happen to me am dieing with guilt oh my God what kind of mistake have I made.

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