Pokemon Go

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Felix: "So, what do you wanna do today?"

Jack shrugs.
Jack: "I dunno. We could play a game? Record a video?"

Felix smiles.
Felix: "I've been meaning to go back to Pokémon go. You play?"

Jack: "I have an account."

Felix: "Then lets do that. I've got the perfect thing too."

He disappears into another room, later coming back out with a pikachu hat.

Felix: "Be My pikachu?"

Jack laughs, enjoying the pun that was intended.
Jack: "That's awesome! Give me!"

He puts the hat on, and the two head out into the city.
Felix lives near the water, so there should be plenty of water types nearby.
Asides from the many low levels they catch, Felix stays alert, his competitive nature taking over him.

Felix: "Highest CP wins today. Loser pays for dinner."

Jack: "You mean you're actually gonna let me pay for something for once?!"

Felix chuckles: "Yeah! It's a bet today."

Jack grins. He liked this side of Felix. Competitive. Slightly childish in a way. Fun. Very fun.

They find various types, and so far Jack has the Pokémon with the highest combat power. Felix is trying really hard to keep up, and win.

Felix: "Wait-"

Jack: "Hm?" Jack asks, looking over on to Felix's phone screen.

Felix: "That's an evolved one. It's cp might be higher."

Jack: "First to catch it wins?"
Felix nods.
Jack: "So..where is it?"
Felix: "I don't know. Let's walk around."

The two walk around, until finally Felix catches a quick glimpse of it.

Felix: "It's near the water!"

They rush to the very edge of the water, but it's not close enough to show up.

Jack: "It looks like it's out there."
Jack points into the water.

Felix: "In the cold water..."

Jack: "Looks like I won this time."
Jack chimes, turning and walking away.

Suddenly he hears the sound of water splashing behind him, and he quickly turns around, eyes wide.

Felix jumped in, and he's swimming out.

Jack: "Are you crazy?!"

He shouts, and watches as Felix pulls up his phone and starts catching the Pokémon.

When he turns, and swims back, he walks straight up to Jack and shows him the cp of the Pokémon.

It's higher.

He won.

Jack just stares, not believing what Felix just did.

Felix just laughs.

Felix: "It was worth it!"

He exclaims and shivers a bit.
Jack looks to him, and just as he does he's taking his shirt off, revealing his chest and tattoos. Everything about him is...

So attractive.

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