The Sword and The Spirit

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 Gerard and Chris search a network of tunnels while discussing the Beast. Gerard finds black soot on the tunnel wall and says it's like a fingerprint. He explains that there were a lot of descriptions of the beast. Witnesses described everything from a red-furred giant wolf to a cloven-hoofed panther the size of a horse. Gerard's grandfather told him the body was oil-black, solid but shapeless at the same time. It was like a shadow pretending to be real. Hearing this, Chris holsters his pistol and takes out a much larger weapon.

Gerard says, as far as legend goes, the only weapon proved effective against the beast was a simple spear wielded by a young woman. Chris realizes this is The Maid of Gevaudan.

The men split up. Chris hears a scurrying, scuttling sound rustling somewhere in the tunnel. Gerard meets the Dread Doctors in a different tunnel. He whips out one of the ultrasonic emitters and embeds it into the wall. The doctors seem unable to advance. Gerard says he knows their frequency. He wonders aloud what their reason for being in the tunnels might be. He walks away leaving the Dread Doctors motionless.

Chris follows the scurrying sound to its source, a grate in the floor of the tunnel. He drops a flare into the grate and the thousands of insects, the source of the noise, scatter from the flame revealing a pile of dead bodies.


Deputy Parrish watches as 23 bodies are wheeled into Beacon Hills Hospital morgue. The sheriff, walking with a cane, tries to reassure Parrish that his dream is not coming true and tells him to get back to the station and go through recent missing person reports.

Parrish nods nervously and walks away, and once he's out of earshot, Sheriff sighs. Just then, the elevator dings loudly, and Sheriff turns to see Scott, Selene, Brett, Kira, and Stiles running out of the elevator toward him to get an update. Like Parrish, they all stop in their tracks and stare in horror at the line of orderlies continuing to wheel the bodies found in the sewers into the morgue. 

"Who found 'em?" Stiles asks grimly.

"Argent. And he said the Doctors were down there. He also said you guys might know what this thing is" Stilinski says. Scott's expression looks equally grim in response to this news.

"We've got a theory..." Selene says. Stiles makes a face as he turns to address his father. 

"It's a slightly terrifying theory..." Stiles adds.

"Well, the M.E. said that the victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels" Stilinski explains.

"What if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies?" Brett asks. 

"Why would they do that?" Kira asks.

"Maybe they're covering for it. Protecting it-" Stiles says. 

"-like a parent would" Selene realises. Sheriff looks at them exhaustedly, and it's obvious that he doesn't even want to know the answer to his next question.

"Protecting what?" He asks. Selene licks her lips anxiously as everyone shares a worried look before turning to the Sheriff.

"A werewolf." Scott answers.

"It's called the Beast of Gevaudan" Selene adds. When Sheriff makes a face at this news, Stiles shrugs in understanding.

"We know. Horrifying" He says.

"We better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish... Because it looks like his dream is coming true" The sheriff says after a sigh.


In her dream, Meredith is trying to teach Lydia to use her voice as a weapon. Meredith says she should user her hands to direct her scream. Lydia complains that none of what's happening to her is real. Meredith screams and shoves Lydia to the back of a cell. The door, bullet-resistant polycarbonate slides shut locking her inside. Meredith says Lydia will need to make her voice like a bullet to break it.

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