Woken by a machine

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Florence POV

         I was having crazy dreams that night but a click woke me up. Then everything came rushing back to me in an Instant I was pregnant, and I knew who the father was, but would he be happy. I didn't feel well, and just pulled the cover over my night gowned covered body. I heard another click of a door. I heard Isa calling my name. She made it to my room door and opened it she looked shocked to see me in bed still. She looked at me with a sigh " I thought you were bloody dead, flobot. " "No I am not." I smirked half-jokingly   " I am sorry Isa it's just I haven't been feeling well. " " Oh poor Flo what's wrong.." I don't know I am just going through a sad sack time. " I replied and started crying for no reason. Should I tell her or wait... I think I'll wait till after my first doctor's appointment. I thought. I was hungry for once and my stomach growled loudly, and I jumped " Isa can you please make my food?" I sat up in my sweat-filled nightgown and got out of bed on shaky legs. Isa rushed over to me and steadied me, and looked at me she looks worried.      " Umm did you make the doctor's appointment? " "Yeah I did and they said that I am just fighting off a virus, at least I am hungry now." I said, "oh what time is it?" Isa looked at her watch "noon " That's probably why I am starved" but in reality, I hadn't eaten for 2 days as I thought about to last night and the burnt pizza. I ran into the kitchen on unsteady feet. I thought I left the oven on before I fell asleep. I did turn off the oven thank god. Isa came into the kitchen and asked me if I wanted to go out to eat. I shook my head yes anyway to get out of my house full of thoughts. I ran back upstairs and changed into a more presentable outfit a t-shirt, and jeans. I walked back down my belly did feel a tad bit bigger in these genes, but not noticeable yet. I walked over to Isa and we got into her car and went to a fancy restraint, and ordered a private area of seating and I ordered chicken, Rice, Vegetables. Isa ordered soup and salad. We idly chit-chatted until our food came. When it did it looked so good that I finished it in a few minutes, and I was so full it felt nice. " Woah there girl it's like you haven't eaten in 2 days I looked down sadly " I haven't." She looked right threw me and stopped laughing.

Authors note: Happy Thanksgiving, I hope that everyone's having a good day.

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