Ghosted me again

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Florence's POV

       "Why, Isa ?" I instantly grabbed my stomach. I looked Isa straight in the eyes." Please don't tell me my baby is gone." I had a feeling that is what happened Isa nodded with tears welling in her eyes. " Yes, Flo that is what happened and they wrapped her up and put her behind me if you'd liked to see her. " " It was a girl..." My tears were running down my face. "Yeah, I would." She grabbed the pink bundle and handed her over to me. " Do you want to name her?" "Yeah, I was going to name her Patrica." I chuckled through my tears. A nurse walked by, "Oh Florence you're awake, how are you?" "Not that great actually." I held out Patricia. " Isa leaned in, "We can have a funeral for her." "Yeah" the nurses took my daughter than told us they would give her to the funeral home. I turned away and looked at Isa. " Why Isa, why couldn't I have her." "My body wasn't good enough for her," "I don't understand." I hit a pillow and screamed into it. " Calm down Flo, I know it's not fair, but we couldn't help it, or save it, it was her time to go." Isa got onto the bed and snuggled my fragile body I just sobbed into her. There was a knock on the door and we looked up and saw Rob, what and how does he know we were here? I separated myself from Isa and sat up. " Hi, Rob." He looked at all the tubes that were going into my arm. "Florence what happened?" I looked at Isa, and she nodded " I will tell you outside Rob we need to give her some alone time." "But Isa." He looked back at me. Isa grabbed my arm. "No more buts." The door closed. I had been ghosted by a baby for real. I looked up at the cracked ceiling thinking about what I needed to tell Marlon. " Oh yeah we did have a baby that was growing in me, but umm it died, so would you like to come to the funeral..." I cried and fell asleep thinking about what I was going to tell him about our little girl.

Authors note: This made me feel so sad when I was writing it, but I hope you like it. X

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