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Valt's teeth clattered together loudly, hands shaking as he approaches his and Shu's home. He just came from a doctors appointment and found out surprising news. Him and Shu had been trying for a child for years, but to no avail. So a year ago, Valt tearfully gave up. With his boyfriend by his side, comforting him and telling his lover that he would love Valt no matter what. That he would never leave him.

The door clicked open, revealing the house to be rather...dark. But why? "Sh-Shu...are you there? Helloooo!" Valt called out, with no answer. Believing that Shu must've left to do some training, he let out a big, long sigh. The blue haired male raced up the steps as fast as he could, opening the bedroom door and heading towards the bed, jumping on it. Not even noticing that he knocked down some candles and that his own love was next to him. Surprised and worried. Once Valt landed on the bed, he just sobbed. Each one sadder and harsher with than the previous. He...he just couldn't believe it. Valt thought that he was infertile this whole time. He's so happy that he was proven wrong and that he's carrying Shu's child. But Valt is afraid of judgements from other people. Also, though he never ever cheated and won't ever will for the rest of his life, he's afraid that Shu and some other people might think that either a) he was lying about having difficulty becoming preggers and somehow didn't let the magic work. Or b) all of a sudden the fertility came back and he cheated on Shu, getting pregnant with someone else's baby.

Let me make this clear to Valt to if he was ever my friend irl(in real life~I wish *sigh*~), also to everyone else. I don't really like cheating at all, I might add a scene here or two in my stories overall but usually, it won't be present. Also, for those who read the manga, fan fiction or watch the show, Valt isn't that guy to cheat on his partner, if he ever had one or might get one. So he never will. At least, in mah story. Baiii, you old heifers. 😂.

Meanwhile, Shu was off the bed and on his knees on the floor in front of his boyfriend. He cupped his lover's left cheek, caressing it with his thumb."Oh baby...don't cry. What's wrong Valt?" That said lover's head shot up and followed the voice only to land his eyes on Shu's. He hiccuped a bit, trying to swallow down another sob, lips wobbly. Valt practically leaped into his lover's arms, hugging him tightly."I-I just found out that I'm pregnant, Shu. But I don't understand, it wasn't working years before." He felt lips on his, gasped quietly before kissing back deeply. Placing all of his current emotions into that one meeting of flesh. The two went at it for a solid five minutes before pulling away for air.

Shu Kurenai looked at Valt Aoi with such love and adoration."This is really good to hear, Valty. Don't be sad, I think I know why you were crying so much. I want to let you know that I and everyone else don't think that way of you. Your nothing like that, my love,my heart. Besides, if anyone says that without some concrete, truthful and liable evidence...well, me and them will have a little 'chit chat'." Shu's smile only increased more when he saw the signature puppy love face on his Valt. Couldn't help but kiss him again, in which Valt happily complied.

"Also, congrats once again on your world championship title. I can't even keep track of how many you won(chuckles). I have something to show you. Come on, babe." Shu grabbed his boyfriends hand. Valt eyes widened,"W-Waiit! Whoaaaa!" Valt struggled to keep up, since his boyfriend is practically running down the steps and to the door of the dining room. Shu went behind him and wrapped one arm around his waist. The free hand covered Valt's childlike eyes."Close those eyes, baby." He whispered huskily into his ear. Being called that in that voice makes Valt wanting to melt into a puddle and feeling that puppy love.

Shu kisses his cheek before pushing the door open. Once he's confident that Valt wouldn't open his eyes, he hold out his fingers in a count down.


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