3..2..1..HE'S GONNA BLOW!(Free x Jaime-OC-)

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"For the last fucking time, Free. Get off your ass and help me with Naturalle over here. Octavion can rest in the crib. He's clearly sleeping." Free frowned slightly, holding his son closer to him."But meh wanna cuddle with the smol bean. You seem to be handling our princess well." Jaime snarled as his eyes glowered 'red' with growing anger. Free was confused, arching his head to the right with his usual blank expression. "Are you..." Jaime left Naturalle alone for a moment and yanked Octavion out of Free's arms, smacking his husband's face in the process. Free froze with his eyes as wide as golf balls. The twins whimpered and looked at their papa(male mom fyi, btw) with worried and sad eyes. Free looked down and slowly got up, walking sluggishly out of the door.

"Where you you going?!"


"You don't even have a jacket!"

"...D-Don't need one.."


The door softly closed and was locked, with Free nowhere in sight. Hours went by, twins already fed and put to bed. With Jaime pacing everywhere, worried sick for his love. He took out his phone and dialed Free's number again. This time, it was answered.

"Yeah, Jaime?"

"Where the hell are you, Free? You were gone for six hours! It's 12:06 am right now!"

"I needed to be alone for a while, you should understand and know where I could be."

"How the fuck can I know where you are? My goodness Free.."

"*says sarcastically* What? Got something else to say to add to the pain?"

"FUCK YOU FREE! You only care about yourself once again, nowadays!"

"Th-That's not true, love. I know I'm weird and could be seem as a wildcard to some people. But you can trust me, trust my love for you and our family."

"What a ducking sweet thing to say, huh. I don't believe you, you bitch! Man, I hate you sometimes! WHY THE FUCK DID I MARRY A CUNT LIKE YOU!"

"Jaime...calm down..."

"Leave me the fuck alone, Free."

Jaime hangs up and breaths in and out heavily, fueled with anger and resentment. "Dada! Dada! Mama! Mama! Mama!" All anger diminished, replaced with sadness and guilt as he walked over to the children's room in order to take care of them. He scooped up Naturalle, the noisy one making the current noise, and cuddled her close.

Meanwhile, Free held a necklace in his hands, inside was a picture of him and Jaime on their wedding day kissing. Tears flowed through his face as he heard footsteps approaching.

'Hm, what could that be?'

All of a sudden, sharp pain electrified through his back as he felt his skin opening and blood oozing out. He then felt punches and kicks on his face, stomach and legs. He was being repeatedly stabbed and beat up. Screams and grunts filled the air, some soon became muffled in order for the attackers to protect their identities. Once they were satisfied, they dropped a unconscious Free to the ground, looking like he's holding onto a thread between him and death.

At six-thirty, Jaime was woken up to a call from the police. Confused, he answered anyway and asked,"Anything wrong officer?" What he was told next drained all the color and warmth in his whole body, not just face.

Free is hospitalized with life threatening injuries.

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