Finally y'all realised it! (Delta x Dante/Drum)

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What is a 11 year old suppose to be thinking about? Parents would say school and just living out your childhood before it's gone for good. Dante would beg to differ. All he could think about is blading and..Delta.


The European champion (if I got that right) is basically trying to act like he doesn't exist unless if he wants to suck in more power from Ace Dragon for his own benefits. It always hurt the boy when Delta just shoves him off. Dante never stopped supporting and helping the blue haired blader in anyway he can.

Buzz! Buzz!

Huh...texts from his group chat. Weird...

Dante opened it up to see what the hell is happening. He couldn't stop thinking of the other boy because he has a crush..on him. Oh dear..anyways, what he saw has shocked him and shook him to the core.

Delta: Hey you guys...I have a problem here...

Arman: Uhh...sure? What's up?

Delta: (typing..)
I have a crush on Dante...but I don't know how to ask him out and express myself.

Ichika: Awwwwwwww! You like Danteeeee! 😍

Arman: Ichika! Not helping..🙄😑


Dante: You like me, Delta? 😮🥺🥰

5 minutes later...

~Delta left chat~

Ichika: Ughh! He's gone.

Dante: 😔

Arman: It's fine, Dante. You see his phone number under his name?

Dante: ...yeah..

Arman: Well, copy it down and save it in your phone. Then call him! Duhhhhh.

Dante: Okay! 😛😃

~Dante left chat~


Dante was typing in his crush's phone number when Uncle Tango came in, smiling that knowing smile. That always make Dante confused. "Hey Dante, there's someone who wants to speak with you." What....the actual...fuuu. Oop! Tango gave a different look this time, a parent kind of look. Dante gulped and ran to the front right away.

What he saw, it could be close to ..heaven.


There standing in all of his glory, was none other than Delta Zakuro. Dante's mouth was slightly open as he looked at the boy in shock. A few minutes has passed in silence, the carnival champion barley noticing Delta moving closer...closer...and closer.

Omg omg omgg! Delta is here! So maybe he doesn't have to call the boy since he's already here. But what should he say? Ughhh...Delta is so cool! No wonder everyone liked him and wanted to be with him. He could never...huh. Dante feels something warm and wet repeatedly moving on his lips, even at one point gently pulling and sucking on his lower lip.

Waiiit..he's being kissed!

Dante opened his eyes to see Delta kissing him, while holding the boy in his arms. It lasted for a few more minutes before both pulled away for air. Both boys blushed a deep red shade. Looking almost everywhere except each other.

"Hey, Dante...I, uh, sorry for kissing you like that. It's just that I really, you. I like you a lot."

"It's fine Delta, I like you too. But why would you like someone like me? I'm just a nuisance to you, at BC Sol, you said so yourself."

Delta gasped softly and cupped Dante's face in his hands gently, like he's the most precious thing in the world. When Dante glanced at his face at last, the red eyes were full of love and sadness.

"I didn't know any better, Dante. I'm so so sorry, love. That was when I was cold hearted and just wanted to stay the loner that I was. I was jealous of you when you came to BC Sol. But later on, I started developing feelings for you. The reason that it was never revealed to you by  is because I felt bad. For the horrible treatment I gave you. Could you ever forgive me my boyfriend?"

Dante smiled widely and started sniffling, with tears going down his cheeks. "Oh Delta! Of course I will!" Delta went to the ground with an oof! with his newly made boyfriend joining him, hugging him tightly. Delta smiled and hold Dante even closer to him, closing his eyes while sighing softly.

"I..I know this might be early to say. But I love you so so much, Dante."

"It's okay...I love you too,"



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