Parenting your partner🤦🏽‍♀️(Valt x Shu-deaged)

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(They're 14 in this ^_^)

"Aww, c'mon Shu! You need to eat! Your doing really good with the food, already almost finished!" Valt begged. But the now one year old Spryzen blader shook his head stubbornly, keeping his mouth slammed shut.

Valt sighed in defeat, putting the spaghetti down and walking over to sit on the couch, deciding to watch some spongebob instead. Shu noticed and slammed his hands lightly on the board connected to the high chair. "Bob! Bob! Mmmmm out Valty!" Valt raised an eyebrow but decided to actively ignore the baby. If he doesn't want to listen, he won't get Valt's attention. Two can play this game.

Shu watched in shock as Valt continues to ignore him. For several minutes, he glanced at Valt then his food multiple times. Eventually he sighed deeply and ate the rest of his food, though he did struggled a bit here and there, with him accidentally making a mess. When he finished, he looked back at Valt, confused as to why the blue haired boy is smiling.

"Dun! Bob! Bob!" Valt looked over and smiled brightly, getting up and wiping the mess from Shu's face before cleaning the board and eventually the dishes. Once he was done, and dried off, he walks over to Shu and takes him out of the high chair and puts him on the ground. The second his feet hit the floor, Shu was off and already on the couch, clapping and giggling excitedly.

Valt looks on smiling wickedly, this is going to be something worthy to blackmail Shu if the white haired boy ever decided to deny him his pwecious(precious) beybread as a midnight snack. 'Well, not really...but it will be nice to see Shu have a heart attack about it. |:)' Valt thought, already taking out his phone and videotaping the Spryzen blader.
When Shu eventually turns back two weeks later...

"Valt! It's literally one in the morning! You can't have beybread now, maybe...what?" Shu soon became confused as to what the other boy had in his hand.

A 'crazed' Valt held up his phone, "I'm hungry...if you don't let me have at least one beybread, with it even being small size, I will show everyone this video of you as a baby."

"You can't! C'mon!" Shu gasped with his heart giving a small, fast but hard sets 'thumps', but he can see that Valt is serious about this, with a sigh he relented and went to the kitchen to get a small beyblade to his boyfriend. He rolled his eyes and 'hmph' as the Valtreyk blader munched happily on his food at the edge of the bed.

Valt glanced at his boyfriend crossing his arms with his eyes closed, he did a mental victory dance since he did what he promised.

He gave Shu a miniature heart attack.

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