thirty one

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Relationships and Realizations

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Relationships and Realizations


Harry Potter had been hearing whisperings in his classes , at least those he was so lucky as to share with the slytherins , about the new couple.

But he'd been thoroughly avoiding it.

he really didn't care about who dated who to be honest , he just wanted to make it through the school year.

so as the girls behind him giggled and whispered , he tried to duck his head.

"the library is supposed to be for studying"
He mumbled , annoyed

But as the name
Passed the girls lips Harry felt his whole body go cold

Minutes that felt like hours dragged on before he slowly raised his eyes across the library and saw the dark brown hair he so dearly recognized.

She was ,

Wide smile stretched across her divine features.

He studied her face , his palm in his hand ,
The way her dark eyebrows pulled together in concentration before releasing as she laughed loudly , covering her mouth with wide panicked eyes.

he followed those green eyes and found ,

a bleach blonde boy ,
laughing right along with her

Harry recoiled in disgust and horror at the sight of the two , he knew the two were ... aquatinted, but he didn't know that they were ... this aquatinted.

surely the rumors of a new couple couldn't be about , those two?

But as Harry watched the two slytherins cosy up at the table a few feet away , he could only stare in confusion at the light pink that coated the girls cheeks , and the way she slyly tucked her hair around her ear.

Harry felt his entire body set ablaze in that moment.

His feet were up before his head was and suddenly stood in front of the table

A slight cough and suddenly Athena pulled her eyes from the Malfoy boy in front of her , the the Potter above her giving her death glares.

"Well well well , I thought I felt an overwhelming presence of lameness"
Malfoy chided , a smirk of pride stretching over his smug face.

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