Chapter 35

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*Tadashi's POV*

After about a week, Silvia kept making slow advances on Gaara and I felt like he was uncomfortable with them. I walked out of the room I was in and I heard myself get called. "Tadashi~!" I went into Silvia's room and she was doing her makeup. "Have you found the boxes I wanted to give Gaara? It seems someone moved them." She stated and I gave a confused expression.

"I don't know what you mean. I'm pretty sure I put them where you told me to." I said and she sighed.

"I know, but it seems they've been tampered with almost overnight. I've been wanting the place searched but I'm afraid Gaara might find out one way or another." Silvia said and I blinked.

"Lady Silvia," she looked at me. "If you don't mind me asking-"

"Servants don't question their masters, Tadashi." Silvia said and I frowned a bit.

"Yes, my lady."

*Tsuki's POV*

I was walking through the village and I kept thinking about getting Gaara something. But what? I'm pretty sure Silvia practically bought out everything in the stores. I sighed, almost hopelessly. I then looked inside the store next to me to see a ring on mannequin hand. It had a gold star within a silver full moon. It was above my price range though.

I sighed and just continued walking. I got to Suna's walls and I watched the view. Why did Silvia get him all of that stuff? I don't really get why she wants to get him everything that is practically useless.

I stood on the edge of the wall for a second before sitting down on it. I heard footsteps coming I looked to see Wendy and Carla. "Hey. I haven't seen you two for a while."

"We've been taking a lot of time to explore the village." Wendy said, smiling and I chuckled.

"You probably see why I loved this place then." I said, smiling. "It's plain, but it's a great village for being one out in the middle of nowhere in a desert."

"It could use some work." Carla said and I smirked.

"You're a huge critic on style, aren't you, Carla?" I asked and she huffed, crossing her arms.

"Of course I am, since I'm a lady after all."

"Well, I kinda don't really care about style, and I'm a girl. But, I'm not judging." I said, watching the view.

"It looks so lifeless out there." Wendy said and I smiled.

"Yeah, but the sky makes it better at night. Especially when you're watching the village from a high place." I said, smiling.

"How many times have you actually seen the night sky?" I glanced at Wendy as she looked at me.

"I couldn't even keep count after three months. It became like something I would do, almost as if it was habit." I said, before turning on the wall and standing next to Wendy.

"What do you like about the night time?" She asked and I smiled.

"I don't even know, but it helps relax me though." I said and she blinked.

"I guess that makes sense." I chuckled a bit.

*Sabaku's POV*

I sighed and I was sitting on a roof. "Why aren't you at your classes?" Blaine asked and I looked at him.

"Just thought I'd take a while out here. Classes are cancelled today anyways." I said, stretching. Blaine walked next to me and crouched down next to me.

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