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p r o l o g u e:   t h e   b e g i n n i n g

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p r o l o g u e: t h e b e g i n n i n g

✧˚₊‧༉ J I N A ༉‧₊˚✧ 

"I wish someone understood my work"

There I sat on a bench in the local city park, watching the different people pass me by. Looking down in my hands was my portfolio that I had put my blood and tears into, with my name printed in bold letters at the top; Yoo Jina. In the folder were song lyrics that I had spent months preparing for the countless interviews I had been on.

Graduating out of the top music program in Korea brought my hopes up that someday soon, I would be able to make it big within the industry as a top producer, despite being a woman. Everyone around me had voiced their opinions, telling me that I was going places, which was a large boost of confidence.

But everyone was so incredibly wrong because for the tenth time that week, I had brutally been rejected. It didn't matter if the label was large or small, they all had the same response.

They all complained, saying my writing style was not 'something people needed now' and that you should focus on something more 'mainstream'.  I think what they meant was that my songs were to feminine and emotional. But what was wrong with that? I am feminine and emotional, and so were a lot of my experiences.

Letting out a frustrated groan, I finally decided to head home, watching as the sun set behind the large buildings in downtown Seoul. Glancing down on my watch made me realize that it was the peak of rush hour and walking through crowd of civilians just to get to the subway station only added onto my stress.

'I really don't need this. Especially today, of all days'

The station was just in my line of vision as I had managed to pull myself through the barbaric crowd, the only thing on my mind being my warm bed and a nice can of beer.

That thought soon disappeared when a group of businessmen clocking out for the day careleslly pushed me out of their path and straight into a murky puddle along the street. This had to be my  villain origin story as I let out a more intensified groan. The odd stares of  passing pedestrians holding in their laughter didn't help as I made a point to glare at each one. 

To make matters worse (because why the f-ck not?), the autumn wind finally decided to start up, blowing some of the songs from my portfolio away to who knows where.

I could feel something snap inside me. That was the last straw. I wanted to scream and yell and let out all of my pent up anger, but that would only add onto my already long list of problems. Also, ending up at the police station after all this was not in my plans for the night.

"Optimistic. Think optimistic" I muttered under my breath repeatedly as I finally got up and entered the station, keeping my head down to avoid any further embarrassment. 

Once the train had arrived, I collapsed into one of the empty seats, ignoring the looks of pity and disgust I was getting from anyone around me. 

As I looked around the almost packed train, I happened to glance at the posters plastered all over the interior, promoting the one individual I couldn't help but despise; Kim Hongjoong.

'What's so good about a producer who's a high school's dropout? We don't even see his face'

Letting out a shaky sigh, I did what I could only do in that situation; put my earphones in and play my demo to see what I could do to alter it for my next interview. It was obviously unfair to see how someone became big  doing almost nothing, whereas you had worked your entire life to pursue the same career. But being a massive bitch about it wouldn't really help me at all.

Even though all I could do now was curse at this unknown man, I  couldn't help but feel so jealous because deep inside, I knew why I was annoyed;

Life is unfair; somethings work out for people easily but sometimes you need to work 10x harder to reach that same point.

Hehehe it's starting 😁😁😁


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