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c h a p t e r  t e n : d o n ' t  p u s h  h i m  a w a y

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c h a p t e r  t e n : d o n ' t  p u s h  h i m 
a w a y

After parting ways with Hongjoong, Minsung led you out to where his car was parked. Upon entering, you realized that this was the second time you were in the man's car. But, you didn't complain.

With a man as attractive as he was, you would have accepted in a heartbeat if he decided to take you away. Once the two of you were settled in, Minsung started his car and off the two went.

Heading deeper into the heart of Seoul, Minsung pulled into the parking lot of what seemed to be a 5 star restaurant. You felt nervous; your stomach was tying into knots and your palms were sweaty. Watching Minsung take off his seatbelt, you did the same and exited the car.

You began to follow the tall male into the restaurant, keeping your head down to avoid further embarrassment.

It was bad enough that you were wearing worn out jeans and a hoodie because you woke up late and don't want to miss your pitch, but now having to eat in a restaurant like this?

A waiter escorted the two of you to a table in the far corner of the restaurant as you and Minsung finally sat down. After being given menus by the waiter, you finally had the chance to see what this place was like.

With a single glance at the menu, your eyes grew wide in shock. Everything on the menu was ridiculously expensive. The cheapest item happened to be forty five dollars!

Minsung managed to get a glimpse of your reaction as he erupted into laughter. "The way you're looking at it like a little child is adorable. I can't stop laughing!"

You glared at the man before putting the menu to the side. "How can you even afford this? This is way over my price range and we work at the same place."

Minsung has a playful grin on his face as he pulled out a silver cars from his wallet. "We have the company card. I haven't used it since I began working there but now that we're friends, I think today's a good day to"

Feeling assured that your meals would be covered, you looked back at the menu, still unsure of what to buy. With a sheepish smile, you look back at Minsung, who already knew that he would be ordering for you.

A waiter approached your table to write your order as Minsung spoke up. "We'll have 2 steaks, medium rare with sautéed potatoes on the side. We'll also take a bottle of red wine for the table."

Once the waiter jotted everything down and left, you looked back at the male in front of you. You didn't think it was possible but he made ordering food look good.

Finally, the orders arrived and you couldn't help but salivate at the sight of the juicy steak in front of you. Grabbing your fork and knife, you began to dig into your meal, like a leopard digging into its prey. With every bite, you savoured the flavours.

While you were lost in your meat fantasy, Minsung couldn't help but watch you, trying his best not to laugh out loud. You reminded him of a small child eating out for the first time. "Are you enjoying the meal, Jina?"

Looking up, you nodded your head vigorously, unable to voice your opinion with your mouth being filled to the brim with steak.

After swallowing it down, you took a sip of your wine as you leaned back in your chair. "That was such an amazing meal. If only.."

You stop yourself from finishing that sentence, but Minsung seemed to have caught on. "You wish Hongjoong was here to enjoy with you, right?" Minsung wipes the corners of his mouth with his napkin, playfully adding "I'm hurt. I thought my company would be enough for you."

Smiling like a fool, you nod. "I do enjoy your company. I guess a part of me just really likes being around Hongjoong which I find to be really weird."

Cocking his eyebrow up, Minsung leaned in with a curious look on his face. "What do you mean by that? Do you not like working with him?"

You shake your head, thinking back to the countless nights you stayed up cursing at him, asking God why he was the one who became famous and not you. "I guess you can say that I wasn't that fond of Hongjoong before we met. Our first encounter was also not the best, if I'm being honest."

"So what changed? Clearly it must be something big if it makes you miss him when you barely know him?"

Shrugging your shoulders, you let you head rest on your hand. "I'm wondering about that too. I've only know him for a little over a week and yet, I want to be around him all the time." Looking at Minsung, you ask "Why is that?"

The man grinned as he leaned further back in his chair, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "I think he might be someone who is destined to be in your life; whether as a friend or something else."

Your face grew hotter as you let out a nervous laugh. "No, there's no way I like him and there's no way he likes me. We've only known each other for a week!"

Minsung chuckled as he shrugged his shoulders. "You know, you're lucky Jina. There are a lot of people out there who want to feel what you're feeling right now." You scoff and play with your fork on your now empty plate. "What? Conflicted?"

Shaking his head, Minsung continued. "No. Certain that someone is going to be in your life. There are a lot of fake people out there, but once you're certain that someone is meant to be in your life, regardless of what type of relationship it is, it's one of the best feelings in the world."

Before you could reply, a waiter came by with your check. Minsung handed them the silver card and once the transaction was done, the two headed out and after noticing how dark it was, decided to head home for the night.

As Minsung was driving you home, he broke the silence that filled the car. "To continue what I was saying before, let me give you a piece of advice; don't push him away Jina. Even if you're scared or angry, because at the end..."

"I really think Kim Hongjoong is meant to be in your life".


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