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c h a p t e r  e l e v e n  :  c o n f r o n t a t i o n

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c h a p t e r e l e v e n : c o n f r o n t a t i o n

After watching you walk away with Minsung by your side once again, Hongjoong couldn't help but feel defeated. Pressing the number to his floor, he looked up and as the elevator doors were closing, he caught a glimpse of you looking back.

The way you stared into his soul affected him. He was confused on how someone who he had just met had this toll on him. Once the elevator doors closed, Hongjoong threw his head back against the metal wall, stuffing his hands in his pocket to fish out a couple of coupons to a barbecue shop a few blocks down the road that he had saved up.

"I bet he's going to buy her something way more expensive." he muttered under his breath. The doors opened, revealing his stop as he exited the elevator and headed straight into the studio. Ruffling his hair, he sat down on his chair and opened his computer, grabbing his headphones to listen to some new demos.

Before he could even play anything, he felt his phone buzzing in the pocket of his jeans and pulled it out. Checking the caller ID, Hongjoong realized it was one of his close friends as he answered the call.

"What is it Yunho? I was working on some new music."

He heard his friend's contagious laugh on the other side of the line, causing him to slightly smile. "Seonghwa wants you home tonight for dinner. It seems pretty important. He made us all cancel our plans so that we'd be here."

Hongjoong raised his eyebrow, curious to what his best friend could be plotting. The last time Seonghwa made everyone cancel plans, it was for a three hour lecture on cleaning up after themselves.

"Tell Seonghwa I'm busy. I have a song to work on. The deadline's tomorrow."

Instead of Yunho replying , Seonghwa's voice erupted through the call, making Hongjoong wince from the blaring sound. "Kim Hongjoong. You better get your non-existant ass back to this house or so help me God, you'll be a dead producer."

Rubbing his temples, Hongjoong agreed to the man's demand as he shut everything off, this time leaving a note for you in the case you came back.

Turning off the studio lights, Hongjoong grabbed his car keys and headed down to the parking lot. Through the traffic filled roads, he contemplated what his friend would be lecturing him on, hoping that whatever it was it would be short.

Pulling into his driveway, he parked his car and started fiddling with his keys to find his house key. Once he found it, he unlocked his door and took off his shoes, looking up to see two of his friends waiting for him, big goofy grins plastered on their faces.

Smiling brightly, he patted their shoulders as they tackled him into a tight hug. "Wooyoung, San. Not too tight. I need to breathe too."

The two boys eventually let go, allowing Hongjoong to walk further into the house seeing the table set, The rest of his friends either already seated or about to be.

His attention went towards Seonghwa, sitting near the head of the table, with him looking back at the man, gesturing him to sit. His expression was one of excitement rather than anger, which made Hongjoong even more scared.

Wooyoung and San sat in their seats as Hongjoong made his way to the head of the table, slowly sitting down. Taking a sip of his water, he looked to Seonghwa. "So, what's this important thing you needed to tell us about?"

His best friend had a mischevious glint in his eyes as he loudly proclaimed "Hongjoong's got a crush" causing him to spit out his water.

The room erupted in applause and hollers as Hongjoong slid further down into his seat. "Wow! And here I thought you were an emotionless robot who only cares about writing music." his friend Mingi replied before bursting out into laughter.

"Okay okay! He's obviously joking. I don't have a crush." Seonghwa smirked before leaning back in his chair. "That's not what it sounded like yesterday when you were whining about almost kissing a girl."

Hongjoong glared at his best friend, wishing he could slap off that smirk before looking back at the rest of table. There, everyone was all ears, leaning forward to hear all the details.

Rolling his eyes, he put his hands up in defeat. "Fine! I almost kissed one of my producers. But it was an accident. I wasn't thinking straight."

Wooyoung wiggled his eyebrows before playfully hitting Hongjoong's shoulder. "You little pervert. You know what they say; actions speak louder than words. You like her!"

Flustered by the comment, Hongjoong began to deny all of their claims. "I can't like her. I barely know her." Looking down at his fingers, he continued "Besides even if I did like her, which I don't, I'm too busy with my work. That comes first."

His friends noticed the room's atmosphere change as they eyed Seonghwa, unsure of what to do. The male gestured for them to go, leaving him and Hongjoong alone.

Clearing his throat, Seonghwa began to speak. "Listen, I didn't mean to embarrass you. It was just so that you could confront your feelings."
Letting out a deep sigh, he looked at his silver haired companion. "If it's because of what happened back then, I think—"

Cutting Seonghwa off, in the most monotone voice, he says "Don't bring that up. Never bring that up." Finally looking back up from his hand, he stared at his friend, his eyes dark. "Jina is just a friend. That's all she is to me. That kiss was a stupid mistake that I wish I could forgot. We've moved past that. So stop thinking you're right in this situation like you always do, when your not."

Seonghwa scoffed, glaring at Hongjoong. "I've never said I was always right, but anyone can tell you the exact same thing as me; you have feelings for this girl Joong. You're just blind to see it."

Hearing enough, Hongjoong got up from his seat and headed towards his room. Before he could enter, he heard Seonghwa's voice echo through the house, giving his last piece of advice.

"Don't push this girl out Hongjoong. You'll regret it for the rest of your life."


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