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c h a p t e r  t h i r t e e n  :  n e w  f a c e

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c h a p t e r  t h i r t e e n  :  n e w  f a c e

The sun peered through the window of your room as you slowly began to wake up; not that you got much sleep the night before. The events of last night replayed through your mind the entire night, making it impossible for you close your eyes for a moment of sleep.

You got out of bed, wondering how you would face Hongjoong for the day. Considering how drunk he was last night, there was a possibility that he would remember his actions.

The thought of facing Hongjoong, both of you knowing what he did to you made you nervous and scared. The two of you had gotten closer last night over dinner, and to have all that progress thrown away over one drunk kiss ruined it all.

Normally, this wouldn't have phased you. Back in your university days, you were very well known to drink  a lot and have many different affairs with random men. It wasn't something you were ashamed of. 

But something about the way Hongjoong kisses you last night made it almost impossible for you to face him today. So, in a last minute decision, you decided to text Minsung letting him know that you would be taking a sick day. Once you got the OK from him, you finally relaxed, trying your best to remove the memory from your mind.

You finally decided to get dressed and pay a visit to Naeun. Pulling on an oversized hoodie over your denim jeans, your exited your room. Grabbing your bag and keys, you finally head out into the streets of Seoul.

The roads were not as full as morning rush hour had already passed. A block away from the cafe, you feel your phone buzz in your hoodie pocket. Pulling it out, you stopped in your tracks. It was a message from Hongjoong.

<<Hey. Are you okay? It's almost noon and you're not here.>>

In the middle of the sidewalk, you began to panic. You were hoping that Minsung would have relayed the message to him, but from the text you received, you could tell that he didn't. Before you could think of a response, another text popped up on your phone.

<<Well whatever it is, I hope you're okay. Stay safe Jina>>

A small smile made its way into your lips as you read his response. A wave of relief washed over you as you headed on your way again. Once you saw the cafe in your line of vision, you quickly headed inside with a skip in your step.

The cafe wasn't too full, with a few customers enjoying their coffee and pastries at some of the tables up front. You saw Naeun putting new items in the display case as you walked over to the counter.

"Would my best friend in the entire world make me her famous iced coffee with a cake on the side? I'll pay" Waving a wad of money in front of her quickly got her attention as she smiled brightly. "Of course honey. Why don't you take a seat and I'll bring it out for you."

Before you could walk away, Naeun grabbed the money from you hand as a looked at her with disbelief. She simply shrugged her shoulders, counting the bills slowly before tucking them away in her apron pocket. "You said you'd pay me once you got a job. I'll consider this my payment."

Letting out a grunt, you just nodded as you headed towards the back of the cafe. Grabbing a seat near the large window, you quickly noticed the stranger seated at the table next to you, his attention to the magazine in his hands.

His hair was gelled back with a few strands out to frame his face. He wore a white turtleneck and black trousers underneath his beige overcoat and his look was completed with dark black sunglasses sitting at the bridge of his nose.

Somehow, he sensed you looking at him as he smiled softly at you as a greeting. Flustered, you smiled back just as Naeun came to your table with your order. Sitting right across from you, she placed the cake in front of you, gesturing you to dig in, as you proceeded to.

Resting her hand on her palm, she leaned in closer. "So, hows work with the famous Kim Hongjoong? Aurora is the only song people are requesting us to play here. You must be proud of yourself."

At the sound of his name, all you were reminded of was the kiss. Shaking it out of your mind, you continued to eat your cake, ignoring your friend as she continued to badger you with questions.

Before you could get anything out, a group of students walked in as Naeun let out a frustrated sigh. "Time to head back to work. But don't think this is over, Lee Jina!"

Letting out a small laugh, you continued to eat your cake when you heard someone clear their throat. Turning back to the handsome make you saw earlier, you watched as he took of his glasses and stood up, claiming Naeun's spot in front of you.

"So you're the famous Lee Jina who has Joong all frustrated, huh?" Confused, you put your fork down, looking the male up and down. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

The man let out a deep chuckle before sticking his hand out. "My name is Park Seonghwa." Upon hearing his name, your eyes widened as you realized who he was. Glancing over at the cover of the magazine he was holding, you saw his image plastered on the front. "You're the famous model who walked for Paris fashion week!"

Shaking his hand, Seonghwa erupted in laughter as he nodded. "Yes, I'm that model. I'm also Hongjoong's best friend."

Your eyes widened as he placed his hands on the table, his expression changing. "I'd like to talk to you about Hongjoong..."

"And about what happened last night on our doorstep."


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