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e p i l o g u e

Hongjoong lifted his heavy eyelids as he was soon beginning to awake from his slumber. The sunlight peering through the window seemed to do the trick as he finally became aware of his surroundings.

Sitting up straight, he stretched his arms out, finally realizing he wasn't in his bedroom with the help of the unfamiliar sheets underneath him. Glancing over towards his side, a smile crept its way onto his face as he saw your peaceful figure still sound asleep.

He let out a chuckle as he was reminded of how he had already planned in advance to spend the night with you. Propping his elbow up on his pillow, he began to examine your face in its purest form.

With all the time the two of you had spent together, Hongjoong had heard you complain about your appearance countless of times. The reality of it was that he didn't understand how a single aspect of imperfection existed on you.

In his eyes, you were a beautiful girl; one who's kind and sweet and who always puts others in front of herself. No matter how much weight you gained or lost, you were perfect to him.

As he carefully traced his fingertips along the features of your face, memories of his relationship with you instantly flooded back to him, though there weren't many.

Hongjoong frowned as he looked back at how majority of his relationship with you was spent building the entertainment. He was disappointed in himself as he didn't give you the amazing dates that you deserved, especially knowing how he was your first.

But with Aurora finally being established, the two of you finally had time for yourselves and with that time, Hongjoong wanted to do it all with you;  the movie nights that become sleepovers, the lazy afternoon drives and staying up until 4 in the morning talking about whatever. He couldn't wait to meet your parents and for you to meet his as he had never brought home a girl to them. Not even Doyeon.

The sun began to shine brighter as light filled the room allowing Hongjoong to see your figure clearly. He couldn't wipe away the large grin off his face as he examined every part of your face. Placing a soft kiss on your cheek, Hongjoong watched as you slowly stirred; a sign that you were beginning to wake up.

With that light, Hongjoong finally was able to see your attire that made him chuckle. There you slept in the same hoody he had given you weeks before on the night he gave you your promise ring which was adorned on you.

Lying back down again, Hongjoong wrapped his arms around your waist as he felt you move in his hold. Your eyes fluttered open as you glanced at the man in front of you. It took you a few seconds to fully be awake as you smiled. Everything in the room seems to stop for Hongjoong when he heard your speak.

"Good morning. I guess I forgot that you slept over."

A small laugh erupted from Hongjoong's chest as he gently caressed your face with his thumb. Pulling your body closer to his, he let out an elated sigh"Why are you so perfect?"

Your cheeks went red as you let out a giggle. After spending enough time in bed, you finally sat up. "Minsung gave us a lot of time off. I don't even know what to do."

Hongjoong sat up along side you as he placed his hand on the bottom of your chin and without warning pulled you into a passionate kiss. It felt like years since he had last done it even though it as a fact that he had kissed you the exact same way the night before.

Upon pulling away, Hongjoong placed his forehead against yours as he said breathlessly "Let's go on a date, Jina. Any type of date you want. I'll take you "

You knitted your eyebrows in confusion, unsure as to why your boyfriend was so eager so early in the morning. "Joong, are you okay?"

He nodded his head vigoursly as he looked at you with such loving eyes. "I'm better than okay.  I just want to treat you my girlfriend because you deserve the world." You smiled back at him as Hongjoong placed a quick peck on your lips before pulling you back into his arms. As the two of you laid in your bed for longer than you intended, you could hear Hongjoong whisper sweet nothings into your ear, with one sticking out from the rest;

"Out of all the mistakes I've made in my life, I think you're the only part I got right."


That's it. Thats the final final part of Be Free. I hope you guys enjoyed it! Now let's talk about ATEEZ's comeback that's happening at the end of the month. Did you see that Diary Film 👀??? Actor-TEEZ popped OFF!!! I honestly can't wait for this comeback.

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