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c h a p t e r   f i v e :   t r u c e

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c h a p t e r f i v e : t r u c e

Jina was always known to have a bad temper; It was something that ran in her family. And once she was angry, it's like a buffalo seeing the colour red.

You'd better run.

Sadly for Hongjoong, he didn't know that his smart remark would push her to be doing what you were about to do.

There in that moment, Hongjoong headed for cover as Jina began to throw the garbage from around her area at the fleeing man.

"Stop it! You're going to break something—or me!"

Letting out a scoff, the angered girl glared at Hongjoong, a dark look present in her eyes. "Oh I'm sorry, are my throwing skills awful too? You know what they say—practice makes perfect."

Hongjoong tried his best to dodge the flying trash and attempted to make a break for the door, using an old pizza box as a shield.

But it was too late.

Yoo Jina was already three steps ahead of him and now, she was like a giant towering over his cowering figure, a devilish smirk placed on her pink lips. "Do you have something, you'd like to say to me, Mr. Bigshot Producer?"

In that moment, anyone could see the fear in Hongjoong's eyes and Jina had realized that maybe she went too far. Letting out a deep sigh, she dropped whatever trash she had in her hand and stuck it out towards the terrified man, trying to help him up. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have scared you like that. I'm known for my bad temper and I should learn to control it more properly."

Hongjoong hesitated but in the end, took the hand and allowed her to pull him up. He cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his hair before apologizing.  "I-I'm sorry... I shouldn't have insulted you like that. I guess the lack of sleep has gotten to me. I can't wait to work with you, Jina-ssi."

Smiling softly, Jina stuck her fist out, gesturing him to do the same. "I'll accept your apology if you accept mine?"

Hongjoong glanced at Jina's hand quietly before letting out a small laugh and nodding, fist bumping  back. "I look forward to working with you, Yoo Jina."

Jina warmly returned the smile. "Likewise, Kim Hongjoong"

After the two settled their differences, Jina were able to finally take a look around the studio. Now that the lights were on, she could see the full extent of the disaster that was Kim Hongjoong's studio.

"No offence, but this place is like an actual dump."

Hongjoong let out a chuckle as he looked around his own studio as well, rubbing the nape of his neck in embarrassment. "I guess I never really saw how dirty it was. I always kept the lights off."

Shaking her head, Jina put her bag down  and picked up the plastic bag  found in one of the corners. Confused, Hongjoong asked "What are you doing?"

After handing him an extra bag, she began to pick up some of the trash that littered the floor. "If we are going to be working together on future songs for this agency, we need a clean working space. So, let's start."

Hongjoong stared blankly at the bag in his hand, not believing that task that was given him. After hesitating for a while, Jina watched him give in as he squatted down next to her, picking up the trash around him.

A smile made it's way to Jina as she continued to help, proud that she had gotten through to Hongjoong. A job that should've taken days only took the two of them a matter of hours. To speed up the process, Hongjoong began to play some music off his computer as the two hummed and danced along to the beats. Being stuck cleaning finally gave them chance to properly talk to one another for the first time.

With a clean studio and 5 large bags of garbage by the doors, Jina and Hongjoong had a profound feeling of satisfaction as the man headed over to grab 2 cans of beer from his mini fridge to celebrate, handing you one to his new partner. With a bright smile, Jina accepted the cold can as they allowed themselves to sit for the first time in hours.

However, their well-deserved celebration was cut short when Hongjoong received a text message from none other than Kang Siwon.

"Looks like the boss wants to talk to the both of us. Seems urgent."

Jina let out an aggravated sigh but nodded as the two set aside their beverages and headed towards the elevator. Upon exiting the elevator, the two  headed towards Kang Siwon's office, where he stood behind his desk with a bright smile on his face upon entering.

"Here are my two top producers! I hope you had the time to bond over the last couple of hours, because I have my first task for you."

That immediately caught Jina's interest as a light sparked in her eyes.  Siwon began to show the two a social media post advertising one of the agency's top group comeback.

"I want you two to write me the best comeback song you can think off. This song should top charts not only here in Korea, but worldwide! I need the best 'falling in love' song you can give me. Okay?"

Hongjoong sighed and nodded, already used to his boss's behaviour. However, Jina felt ecstatic; after all, this was her very first task as a producer and it was something this big? It sounded like a dream.

As the two of were on their way out of the office, they heard Siwon yell out one last reminder.

"Oh, I also need it in a week."


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