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c h a p t e r  t w e l v e : a  d r u n k e n  e n c o u n t e r

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c h a p t e r t w e l v e : a d r u n k e n
e n c o u n t e r

Two months had passed since you and Hongjoong were in Siwon's office with your demo.

Siwon did as he had promised and released your demo alongside Aurora for the comeback. You considered it a success for the time being and though you wanted to celebrate the occasion with Hongjoong, he seemed distant.

Since that day, he had been avoiding you and only talking to you when it was necessary, avoiding any type of conversation with you. Your studio with him soon turned back into his studio after arranging for you to have a separate studio on a different floor.

Unsure of what to do, you tried asking Minsung and even Siwon to try and get through to him. Sadly, it proved to be unsuccessful as Hongjoong began shutting people out.

So, there you sat alone in your studio, trying to write some new songs when all of a sudden, a knock came at the door. Crying a loud "Come in!" revealed Minsung, a tablet in hand with good news to announce.

"Jina, you have to check this out!"

Turning around to see the taller male, you leaned in to see what Minsung was talking about. Gasping in surprise, you grabbed the tablet from his hands, checking if the news was indeed real.

"Aurora has been #1 for the last two months? Is this real?"

Minsung let out a laugh, nodding his head. "Everyone seemed to like you and Hongjoong writing style. Siwon's ecstatic."

You let out a squeal of glee and quickly rose from your seat. "I have to show this to Hongjoong! He'll be so happy"

Rushing out of the room, you got on the next elevator, pressing the floor number to his studio. You couldn't help but hide the smile that illuminated your face as you got off at your stop. Running to his studio, you were greeted with a DO NOT ENTER sign in front of his door.

You knocked on the wooden door, hearing no reply. After attempting for a couple of minutes, you decided to enter his studio, welcomed by the garbage  ridden floor. The whole situation felt very similar to the event months prior as you made your way to Hongjoong's computer at the other side of the room.

There sitting in his chair, large headphones placed on his head as he was clicking away at his screen, fixing a new song that he was working on.

As cautious as you could, you carefully tapped his shoulder, trying not to have a rerun of your meeting with him. Hongjoong flinched at the sudden touch, looking up to see your face. Pulling off his headphones and turning on the studio lights, he turned to face you.

In the most monotone voice you had ever heard, he said "Didn't you read the sign? I need complete focus on my work."

Taken aback at Hongjoong's sudden attitude change, you pulled out the tablet, showing him the good news. "Well, I guess you don't want to know that Aurora has been #1 on the charts for the last two months then?"

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