Assigned Teams!

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All of the genin graduates arrive at the Academy for their orientation.

"Hey, Naruto! How are you..!"  I say, looking at him. Naruto smiles back and greets me, then he see's Sakura, being the lover boy that he is. He tries to say hello to her till then, Sakura spots Sasuke sitting down and runs over to him, knocking down Naruto in the process, and asks if she could sit next to him. 

However, Ino comes over and states that she should be the one to sit next to Sasuke before many of the other girls do the same thing. Upset over the attention Sasuke is getting from the girls, Naruto gets on top of the desk and glares at Sasuke, with the latter returning the favor. 

"Naruto! Get away from Sasuke!" Sakura says, getting jealous and the little brat that she is. Before Tobio could bump Naruto into Sasuke for them to kiss. I grab Naruto just in time to make sure the two have some space.

"Alright, that's enough! Turns out, Sasuke want's to be alone right now. Can we show a little decency and give him a bit of space...Please??" I say to the females, Sasuke was a little impressed by my persuasion skills. All of them, including Sakura and Ino calm down and makes a agreement for now. And turns out, Naruto didn't get beat up! 

After Iruka arrives, he explains the next step that the genin will take, explaining that they will be in a team of three led by a jōnin. He then announces that Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke will be Team 7; Hinata, Kiba and Shino will be Team 8; and Ino, Shikamaru and Chōji will be Team 10. Naruto abruptly asks Iruka why he had to be on a team with Sasuke before being told that he had the worst scores of all the graduates, while Sasuke had the best, so in turn, they were put together to create a balanced group. 

"Umm...Iruka Sensei?? What about me..?" I said, raising my hand. Iruka was shocked because I didn't have a spot on any kind of team to be put on. "Okay, Jin come to the front of the class." I shrug in confusion then heads to the front of the class. Ino looks at me, thinks that I have the same kind of "cute level" as Sasuke. Iruka announces that since I don't have a team to be In, I get to choose one for the first time and be a team of 4 instead of three. Obviously, I chose Naruto's Team, (Team 7) I didn't want to be separated by my friend and I can probably make new ones like Sasuke or Sakura, at least.. 

"Alright! Jin, you make the right choice, we'll be great partners, believe it!"  I nodded to that statement...

During lunchtime, Sakura tries to find to Sasuke to ask him to have lunch with her to no avail. She then runs into Naruto who asks her to have lunch with him, but she coldly dismisses him. Angered yet again, Naruto ambushes Sasuke through an open window. The ending results shows Sasuke standing over a gagged and bound Naruto, but is later revealed that Sasuke only defeated a substitution before the real Naruto overpowers him with the Shadow Clone Technique. Naruto then transforms into Sasuke and heads out to find Sakura. When he finds her, he asks her what she thought of Naruto. She replies by saying that he was annoying. Sakura then leans in to kiss Sasuke, but as they are about to kiss, Sasuke is forced to go to the bathroom.

When the real Sasuke manages to escape, he runs into Sakura and asks if she's seen Naruto. Brushing off what he asked, she proceeds to mock him, believing that he's so annoying because he had no parents to teach him how to behave and that he was all alone. This sparks Sasuke to remark that Sakura had no idea what it felt like to be alone before saying that she was annoying. This causes Sakura to have some resolve for Naruto, deciding to be nicer to him.

After Naruto finishes using the bathroom, he runs into Sasuke, much to his surprise. Naruto uses the Shadow Clone Technique in an attempt to attack Sasuke, but is unable to proceed due to having to use the bathroom again. After finishing, he spots Sakura who is strangely being nice to him. This leads him to believe that it was Sasuke transformed as her, and is prepared to face off against her until he has to use the bathroom yet again.

At Naruto's house, the Third Hokage briefs Kakashi on the team he will be leading, Team 7. Kakashi examines a carton of milk and states that it was spoiled, which is the reason Naruto had to run to the bathroom so much. Kakashi then comments on how much of a problem Naruto would be.

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