Naruto vs. Sasuke

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Due to the injuries he received from the Land of Tea, Sasuke is stuck in the hospital recovering. Meanwhile, Shikamaru gets promoted to chūnin by Tsunade. Later on, Tsunade starts the surgery on Rock Lee.  In the meantime, I was arguing with Sasuke on the rooftop of how he wanted power to get revenge on Itachi. I keep trying to tell him that getting his vengeance won't change anything and It will drive him down on a dark path.  "Ever since I trained with Naruto and Jiraiya, I found out power wasn't the answer! Sasuke, I'm sorry. But as teammate and friend, I can't just let you go." 

Naruto's influence on Sasuke, though profound, was powerless to prevent Sasuke from leaving his village and friends to receive training from Orochimaru. Sasuke's decision to leave was the result of a chain of events that rekindled his hatred for his brother and desire to avenge his clan. To do so, he must claim a great amount of power, which became the centre of his entire life. Humiliated by Itachi's declaration that he was disappointingly weak, and aware of the fact that Naruto might be his superior... Naruto comes up to the rooftop seeing me trying to convince Sasuke not to leave. Angry that Naruto has continued to get stronger while he is still not strong enough to defeat his brother Itachi, Sasuke challenges Naruto to a fight when he and Sakura come to visit him.  They engaged in a heated duel on the rooftop of the hospital, where Naruto told Sasuke that he had never considered himself inferior to Sasuke. Kakashi Hatake leapt in to stop the fight just when Naruto and Sasuke were about to use their Rasengan and Chidori on each other, deflecting both their attacks into adjacent water towers. While Sasuke's Chidori made a larger dent on the front of the tower than Naruto's Rasengan, Sasuke was shocked to find that the back of Naruto's water tank had been completely blown out by the power of his Rasengan. Sasuke realised he might have lost the fight and received major injuries if Kakashi hadn't stopped the fight. This only made Sasuke even angrier that Naruto was getting stronger by the day, and could actually be able to defeat him in battle.

Kakashi is amazed that Naruto and I learned and mastered the Rasengan and realizes it must have been Jiraiya who taught it to us. Kakashi berates Jiraiya for teaching us the Rasengan, stating that the technique was too powerful for Naruto to handle and that it could have killed Sasuke; Jiraiya rebuffs by stating that Kakashi should not talk, as he had taught Sasuke the Chidori, and Sasuke's Chidori could have killed Naruto. Jiraiya also states that he should have not taught Sasuke such a technique, as Sasuke is hell bent on revenge. Kakashi likens the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke to that of Jiraiya and Orochimaru, adding that Naruto views Sasuke as his greatest rival while Sasuke cannot handle Naruto's growing strength and admirable progress.

Later, Kakashi ties Sasuke up to talk to him and lectures him about not attacking his comrades. Kakashi advises him to abandon his quest for vengeance, but Sasuke states that Kakashi would not understand until the day when he loses everyone important to him. Kakashi tells Sasuke that everyone closest to him has already been killed, and adds that the Chidori is not a tool used against a comrade. He tells Sasuke that despite their mutual losses, they are both lucky enough to find friends to fill the void. Kakashi then leaves Sasuke to make his judgment call. Sasuke contemplates whether to accept Naruto and Sakura as his friends or to continue on with his goal of killing Itachi when he is attacked by the Sound Four, sent by Orochimaru to retrieve Sasuke. Meanwhile, Sakura asks Naruto out on a walk in order to tell him about the cursed seal that Orochimaru had placed on Sasuke during the Chūnin Exams, as Naruto had been unconscious and was unaware of it at the time. Sakura remembers that Kakashi had told her that he had handled it, but is worried nonetheless about the cursed seal affecting Sasuke.

Sasuke briefly battles with the Sound Four members, though they quickly gain the upperhand. After they explain that they were once on Sasuke's level though got stronger once joining Orochimaru, they extend an invitation to Sasuke to accompany them to Orochimaru's lair. After doing so, they leave, allowing Sasuke to consider the matter. The appeal of gaining strength is too much to turn down, and Sasuke makes his way for Konoha's exit. On his way, he meets Sakura, who realises that Sasuke is about to turn his back on the village. She pleads with him to stay, telling him how much she loves him, even offering to help him with his revenge. Unfortunately, she is unable to convince him. Sasuke's cryptic last words before swiftly knocking her out and departing are "Sakura... thank you". He knocks her out then leaves Konoha in the company of the Sound Four.

"Sakura..? Sakura!" After Sasuke leaves and Sakura's vision fading. I ran towards her, knowing that something had happened with that Sakura goes unconscious....

What if Series: What if I was in...Naruto/Naruto Shippuden??Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ