Potential Disaster!

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Sakura is asked by her mother to bring a bag of dumplings over to Ino's house. She decides to bring some for Sasuke, and ponders whether to bring some for Naruto as well. She then remembers when Naruto attempted to convince Kakashi to teach him the Chidori, following the end of the Konoha Crush. She had thanked Sasuke for saving her from Gaara, but he tells her that it was Naruto who saved her. Although Sakura initially believes that Sasuke is being modest, Sasuke adamantly states that it was Naruto, who showed newfound strength, who had saved her. Remembering this, Sakura decides to bring Naruto some dumplings as well. I smile from the distance...Ready to join Naruto & Jiraiya.

Me, Naruto and Jiraiya are our way to another town, as Naruto begins to wonder what kind of technique Jiraiya will teach us next. Naruto wonders why Jiraiya chose us to be his pupils, and Jiraiya mentions that Naruto reminds him of the Fourth Hokage, who he reveals was his student. And I remind him of another Ninja that he knew, that same ninja put his friends over anything else... Naruto and I were surprised, and asks who trained Jiraiya, to which Jiraiya states that his sensei was none other than the Third Hokage. Jiraiya asks whether Kakashi had done the bell test with Naruto and his squad, Naruto admits that he was tied to a stump. Jiraiya laughs as he fondly remembers the same bell test being administered to him; while Orochimaru and Tsunade got the bells, Jiraiya was tied to a stump as well. Unbeknownst to Me, Naruto or Jiraiya, they are being followed by Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Hoshigaki, both of whom decide not to engage in a fight against a legendary Sannin.

Back in Konoha, Sasuke is training by himself in the woods, attempting to destroy rocks using his Chidori. He remembers Naruto's fight against Gaara, and muses how Naruto is getting stronger everyday. Wanting to be stronger as well, he goes off to find Kakashi. Following their fight, Guy, Asuma, and Kurenai take an unconscious Kakashi home to rest, where they decided that Sasuke should not know of Itachi's return. They stop discussing Itachi when Guy notices someone outside; Sasuke enters the room looking for Kakashi, only to be shocked that Kakashi is bedridden and that there are three jonin the in room. Aoba then barges in and loudly asks whether it's true that Itachi has returned and is after Naruto. Determined to protect Naruto from Itachi as well as kill Itachi for murdering the Uchiha clan, Sasuke rushes out to find Naruto, only to discover that Naruto had already left the village with Jiraiya.

In another town, Naruto and I sit in a hotel room training by ourselves while Jiraiya is out on a date with Emi, an attractive woman he had just met. Sasuke arrives in the town as well, visiting every single inn and hotel asking for blonde kid and grey hair kid his age and an old man with white hair reside there. One such innkeeper tells Sasuke that there is such people in a room down the hall; Sasuke rushes down and knocks on the door. In his room, Naruto hears knocking on the door and believes it is Jiraiya. Sasuke's door opens to reveal another blonde haired boy with an old white haired man, while Naruto opens his door to face none other than Itachi himself.

"Hello, Naruto...."

As Naruto and I open the door and finds ourselves face to face with Itachi, I realise that he looks just like Sasuke and has the Sharingan eyes as well. Meanwhile, Sasuke is running through the streets, desperate to find Itachi. While running, he reminisces on his past. When he was younger, Sasuke had always looked up to his brother. One morning, he had asked Itachi to help him with his shuriken training, only for Itachi to brush him off. Sasuke then asked his father how come Itachi never had time for him. His father told Sasuke that Itachi was very closed off and distant, and that not even he knew his own son very well. Sasuke's mother then gave Sasuke his lunch, and Sasuke headed off to the Academy. On the way there, he came across a relative of his, who mentioned that by his age, Itachi had already awakened his Sharingan and had become a genin. Sasuke was initially put down, but his uncle Teyaki assured him that in time, he would be a great shinobi as well, for he was an Uchiha like his brother. After school, Sasuke rushed home, fearing he was late as the sun had already set. Sasuke then noticed the bodies of his relatives littered across the streets, with blood, shuriken and kunai on the walls and doors. Fearful, Sasuke rushed home, only to find his parents dead. Realising it was Itachi who was responsible, Sasuke demanded to know why he had slaughtered their entire clan. Itachi claimed that he had murdered everyone to test his strength. Sasuke ran outside and begged to live, to which Itachi stated that he was not even worth killing. He then told Sasuke to live the rest of his life with hatred and vengeance towards him.

Back in the present, as Kisame and Itachi contemplate how best to carry Naruto, Sasuke arrives. Kisame is shocked at seeing Sasuke, not only because he looks similar to Itachi, but because he too possesses the Sharingan. Itachi tells him that Sasuke is his younger brother, which Kisame finds funny as he had believed that Itachi had murdered every single Uchiha. Sasuke tells Itachi that he has been living this entire time with hatred in his heart, his only purpose in life to kill Itachi. Sasuke then rushes at Itachi with his Chidori. I activate my Sharingan to gain enough speed to stop Sasuke's Chidori by grabbing his arm. Just like Lee stopped Sasuke's kick...I stare at Itachi with my eyes..

"Your eyes...There's no way..Jin, you have the Sharingan..!?" Sasuke says shocked as I sighed. I told Sasuke that my eyes awakened when we faced Zabuza and Haku. Itachi see's that my eyes are special and somehow he can't put me in a Genjustu. Sasuke moves me out of the way and tries to attack Itachi head on, only to be put in a Genjustu...Tsukuyomi.

To try and help Sasuke, Naruto uses the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's chakra in an attempt to summon a toad, though Kisame uses his blade to absorb and devour the chakra. As Kisame prepares to attack Naruto, a toad arrives to block the would-be attack, followed by Jiraiya.

Kisame's would-be fatal attack is blocked by Gama, and Jiraiya tells the two Akatsuki members that cheap tricks like putting a young woman under genjutsu would never work on him. Meanwhile, Sasuke was forced to relive his parents' and other clan members deaths. As Naruto rushes forward to aid his comrade, Kisame prepared to attack him, but Jiraiya uses the Summoning: Toad Mouth Bind technique to stop the two Akatsuki members.

The entire area became the oesophagus of the Mountain Toad, with Kisame's foot and sword already starting to be absorbed as Jiraiya began explaining his technique. Sasuke was absorbed into the wall, thus being saved from Itachi. Itachi instructed Kisame that it was time to flee, knowing that the only way they could survive this technique was to escape. Itachi is forced to use Amaterasu to burn a hole in the toad's oesophagus, allowing them to escape; Jiraiya then seals away the flames, remarking that it had to be a powerful technique to burn through and allow them to escape.

As Jiraiya and Naruto are checking on Sasuke, Guy suddenly appears out of nowhere and tries to kick Jiraiya with his Dynamic Entry. My Sharingan saw through the movements and I grabbed Guy's foot before it connected with Jiraiya's face. "Watch where you're aiming at next time, Guy Sensei!"

Might Guy, surprised that I blocked his Dynamic Entry...takes quite some skill to do...Anyway, He had thought that Naruto and Jiraiya were Itachi and Kisame after using the reflection from his forehead protector to check what was ahead. He had seen two figures in the dull reflection, so he had automatically assumed that Itachi and Kisame were still there. Naruto thinks back on Sasuke's defeat at Itachi's hands. He resolves to go after Itachi and Kisame for doing that to Sasuke, but is quickly shot down by a more realistic Jiraiya, who tells him that he is nowhere near Itachi and Kisame's league. Naruto learns that Kakashi was also struck with the same technique Itachi used on Sasuke, and Guy mentions that they need a medical specialist to help, not only with Kakashi and Sasuke, but with Lee as well. Jiraiya tells Guy the person he needed was the one whom they were searching for: the healing specialist, queen of slugs and elixirs, legendary Sannin, and failed gambler, Tsunade.

What if Series: What if I was in...Naruto/Naruto Shippuden??حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن