Training Begins...Again!

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Before Kakashi can officially commence the test, Naruto rushes in to attack. He throws shuriken at Kakashi, only for the latter to throw his own back. As Naruto jumps up into the air to evade the shuriken, Kakashi throws another set. Naruto, however, instantly uses his Shadow Clone Technique to produce a shadow clone in mid-air to pull him out of the shuriken's trajectory. His move impresses both Kakashi and Sakura. I on the other hand, was not surprised.  As both Naruto and the shadow clone land back on the ground, Naruto transforms his shadow clone into a giant shuriken, intend on hurling it at Kakashi. Kakashi manages to grab Naruto's hand before he can throw it, telling Naruto that his attack would not work. However, Naruto manages to have a shadow clone sneak up on Kakashi with a kunai; his timing and usage of his shadow clones impresses Kakashi once more, as well as Jiraiya, Tsunade and Shizune, who are observing the fight from the shadows. Kakashi tells Naruto that he is impatient as ever, as Naruto also attacked before Kakashi could officially begin during their first bell test. After he begins the match, Kakashi disappears and heads for the woods.

Kakashi runs through the woods as he spots  Me, Naruto and Sakura hiding behind our trees. Kakashi believes it to be a rookie mistake, and reminisces back to their first bell test, when Me, Sakura and Sasuke managed to hide properly but Naruto could not. He is awakened from memory lane by shuriken hurtling towards him, thrown by Naruto. As he evades the attack, Sakura comes from behind and uses her massive strength to break the ground beneath him. Kakashi heads for the tree branches, only for Naruto use his Shadow Clone technique and send multiple shadow clones against him. Kakashi decides to use taijutsu to deal with the clones; however, after there are only three clones remaining, Kakashi opens the First Gate and uses the Front Lotus on the three Naruto shadow clones, both Naruto and Sakura recognising the technique as one Rock Lee uses. After the three shadow clones are taken care of, Kakashi wonders where the real one is, only for the real Naruto to announce his presence and come barreling at Kakashi with the intent of using One Thousand Years of Death. Kakashi, horrified at the mere thought of being struck by that technique, evades the attack and retreats. 

As Me, Naruto and Sakura continue to head through the woods to find Kakashi, they are stopped in their tracks by an injured Sasuke. Struck with kunai in his body, Sasuke tells Naruto and Sakura that he managed to escape from Orochimaru and asks the pair to help him. "Kakashi, If you're going to put us In a Genjustu, try harder....Besides, Genjustu won't work either..." The Genjustu quickly dispels while at the same time pinpointing Kakashi's true location. 

"Interesting, I always thought your eyes were special Jin Kersaku...But how did you undo my Genjustu?"

"Easy, my companions are at my side...Or in the air..." Kakashi looks up, see's a raven on the tree, an owl in another tree hanging upside down and a mysterious bird in the sky. All of them have the same Sharingan eyes as I do. Like a contact animal just In case. 

"Nice job, Jin! Alright, now let's do this!"  Naruto then creates a shadow clone to prepare his Rasengan, and uses Rasengan on the tree that Kakashi is hiding behind. Kakashi manages to dodge the Rasengan, and ponders on a time when it was easier to fool Sakura with a genjutsu. Naruto claims that he would never fall for any of Kakashi's old tricks, only to spot the bells on the floor. Exclaiming that Kakashi must have dropped them while dodging, Naruto rushes towards them before Sakura can stop him. Naruto is ensnared by a rope before he can get the bells, prompting Kakashi to state that Naruto still falls for the same old tricks. However, the Naruto trapped by the rope turns out to be a shadow clone while the real Naruto, claiming an old trick like that would not work on him, rushes from behind and punches Kakashi right in the face, only for the latter to use a Body Replacement Technique and retreat once more.

"Dang it, he got away again..." 

Me, Naruto and Sakura are still attempting to take the bells from Kakashi. Kakashi manages to predict their moves using his Sharingan and performs hand signs at a speed no human eye can follow, using Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique, followed with Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique and finishing with Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique. I luckily use my new Kamui Justu to disperse all three Justu's away from Naruto & Sakura... Then I use Wind Release: Wind Torpedo on Kakashi, obviously he dodged it. Now unable to land a hit on Kakashi, Me, Naruto and Sakura have no choice but to retreat and devise a new strategy. Kakashi also retreats, remarking how his Sharingan is exhausted by our efforts. He contemplates taking the time to finish his Icha Icha book, but remembers that  all three of us are too tough for him to fight while simultaneously reading.

After deliberating on the thought, Naruto discovers Kakashi's weakness and shares it with Me and Sakura. Us three then track down Kakashi once again and launch a frontal attack. I use my Mangekyo Sharingan only to pretend that I put Kakashi in a Genjustu,  As Naruto and Sakura rush towards him, Naruto begins to spoil the ending of Jiraiya's book. Not wanting to hear spoilers, Kakashi covers his ears, but realises his Sharingan can still read Naruto's lips. Exclaiming at Naruto to stop, Kakashi closes his eyes as well, and Naruto and Sakura take the opportunity to take the bells from him, successfully passing the test.

"Alright, we did it!"  Me, Naruto and Sakura successfully pass the Bell test, prompting Tsunade to place our big trio in the newly formed Team Kakashi, led by Kakashi. Heading back to the village, Me, Naruto and Sakura decide to go to Ramen Ichiraku to eat, Naruto, asking Kakashi to treat them. Jiraiya appears and tells Kakashi that the Akatsuki are on the move, reminding Kakashi that Naruto is under his care once more before leaving. Kakashi tells Naruto and Sakura that he needs to go as well, leaving the trio alone. As there's only three of us now, Naruto asks whether their dinner would count as a date, to which Sakura states it would if Naruto pays for ramen; Naruto however, does not have enough to cover both of their meals. I sigh, tapping both of their shoulders telling them that I will pay for their meals, along with my own meal.  Ramen Ichiraku after a while, Naruto stating that the place has not changed a bit. Teuchi and Ayame are surprised as well as relished. Teuchi asks Naruto to order anything he wants. However, Iruka arrives, stating it is his treat. He asks Me, Naruto and Sakura if he could join in Naruto replies that he would be glad to let him eat with us. In the end, all four of us got a nice happy meal of Ramen. 

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