Time for the Test!

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Kakashi meets up with Team 7 before we enter the hall of the Chūnin Exams. He informs us that unless we had all consented to take the exams, none of us would have been permitted to enter. With that, he wishes us good luck. Within the hall, the Rookie Ten meet up and have a spirited discussion. Kabuto Yakushi warns them to quiet down as they are seemingly irritating the shinobi around them. Explaining the exams further, Kabuto uses his Ninja Info Cards to give Sasuke information on Gaara and Rock Lee. Kabuto says that the individuals taking the exams are all most likely elites from their respective villages, a fact that intimidates the rookies. With his standard enthusiasm, Naruto loudly proclaims that he won't lose to anyone, and the rest of the room reacts to his words with equal parts shock and annoyance. Insulted by Kabuto's earlier detailing of the villages in which he discarded Otogakure as a minor village, three Oto-nin attack Kabuto. Although it appears that Kabuto dodged the attack, his glasses suddenly break and he becomes nauseated despite not being hit. Before things can escalate any further, the proctor, Ibiki Morino, and his team appear on the scene. With that, the Chūnin Exams begin.

Forty-five minutes into the written portion of the Chūnin Exams, Ibiki Morino announces that it is time for the tenth and final question. But, he ominously states that there is one special rule for this question. Meanwhile, Kakashi Hatake, Asuma Sarutobi, and Kurenai Yūhi rest at the Academy staff room and discuss their respective teams' chances of passing the first phase. Kakashi and Asuma explain to Kurenai that Ibiki specialises in interrogation and knows how to get inside the minds of his victims. Back at the exam, Ibiki states that the candidates are free to choose whether or not they want to try and solve the tenth question. If they opt out, the entire team will fail. If they choose to answer the question but get it wrong, they will be barred from taking the Chūnin Exams forever. Several teams decide to leave rather than risk it. 

Naruto doesn't have any answers to the first nine questions and knows that the odds of him knowing the answer to the tenth are exceedingly small. He seems to waver but finally exclaims in his loud style that he will not be intimidated and will become Hokage even if he fails and remains a genin forever. This outburst calms the remaining teams, and everyone is determined to stay for the remaining question. Seeing that no one else is going to leave, Ibiki passes them all. He explains that the first nine questions were to test their information gathering skills, whereas the tenth was to test their determination and bravery. The first phase of the exam completed, Anko Mitarashi spectacularly crashes through the window and states she is the second examiner. After the students leave, Ibiki picks up Naruto's exam paper and smiles to himself, realising he just passed a student who didn't answer a single question. The next day the candidates gather outside the Forest of Death.

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