3 - The Rules

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It took the other two an hour to calm Jungkook down after the poor bunny was threatened by Yeonjun. Jungkook consumed some banana milk despite thinking that it was a monkey's thing. He had learned to love the flavour and had about at least 19 bottles of those. Seokjin and Beomgyu can't blame him for being so scared. They remembered the times when they arrived at the Vampire Castle for the first time. It was the hardest for Seokjin since he was alone at the time.

"Are you okay now?" Beomgyu asked, patting Jungkook at the back. He wagged his tail merrily at the sight of Jungkook nodding with a small smile.

"Good. Now we don't have much time left to brief on you." Seokjin reminded Beomgyu. Beomgyu 'oh'ed and nodded.


"So, there's only two simple rules for you to follow. Hence, BabyMin expects us to follow them at all times." Seokjin started. It was only the starting but so many questions were already running through Jungkook's mind. Rules? In this castle? What are the rules? BabyMin? Who's that?

Jungkook must've made a face because Beomgyu giggled and started to explain.

"The vampire prince, our master, loves to be called with something he wants. We each get a different name. I call him Yoongles and Seokjin calls him..." Beomgyu stopped talking and let Seokjin continue.


"Yes. So, here's the thing. We're not supposed to use other's names. Like I'm not allowed to call the prince the name Seokjin uses to call him and he can't call the prince, Yoongles."

"What?" Jungkook questioned this. This is something he would call being childish. And the fact that these two subjects the vampire as "the prince" instead of "the vampire prince" makes Jungkook think that they already have a crush on the vampire prince, which is wrong he would say.

"It's a must." Beomgyu shrugged. "Rule number two, the prince gets a lot of visitors sometimes and when that happens, you're not allowed to speak unless you are given permission to. This is because he wants to protect us from being harmed by the visitors. This rule was made because someone said something that angered the werewolf from the South Pack." Beomgyu glared at Seokjin.

"What? The guy was an asshole." Seokjin huffed, crossing his arms.

"Rule number three, you can roam around the castle and the castle only. You're not allowed to go out. But this only happens when BabyMin has trusted you enough to know that you won't run away. I mean, not like any of us would even make it out. Yeonjun and Soobin's guards are everywhere you can't see. They can pop up from anywhere." Seokjin explained the last rule.

"Okay, okay, if the vampire that sits in the throne is your baby stuff and yoong yoong whatever, and Yeonjun is the scary vampire that had just threatened to kill me, then who's Soobin?"

"Soobin is Yeonjun's younger brother but we'll get to him later." Seokjin said. "So, summary is, you just need to be a good pet. You don't have to do anything at all. You just, sit and do nothing. Now that we've told you the basics, you're prepared."


"For your first dinner with the vampire."

Jungkook felt a sudden rush of fear go through his whole body. His nerves starts tingling and his body just automatically shivers. He gets goosebumps when he hears the word "vampire". If the werewolf that tried to eat Jungkook was big and strong and looked undefeatable is scared if the vampire, then what about him? A weak farmer bunny who grows crops and bakes pastries. He'd definitely die in that very room.

Though the chances seem pretty slim when Jungkook thought back about it. What's the use of keeping him alive till now then? If he's gonna die, then how come did these two live? Maybe... Just maybe, if he follows the rules and does no funny business, he'd be able to live. Like these two before him. He'll have to do one thing he never expected to do.

He'll have to be a good pet to the vampire.


Jungkook looked at the vampire in front of him. He looked back and saw another vampire which hissed at him when they meet eye-to-eye. He looked to his left and saw Yeonjun, who gave him a smirk and making that cutting his throat action again. He looked to his right and saw a giant -apologies- a very tall vampire with a very warm smile. He smiled back at the tall vampire.

Somehow, the smiling vampire made him feel more at ease. The vampire seemed friendly despite being a vampire. He's way better than any other vampire in this castle. He can imagine them being friends already. Then the vampire smiled showing his teeth. When Jungkook saw his fangs, he quickly forgot what he just thought about the vampire.

They arrived at a room which Jungkook guessed was the vampire prince's room. He planned to not look at the vampire prince at all. He'll just, look anywhere else that is NOT the vampire prince. The door magically swung open and Jungkook exhaled. The image of the room came into Jungkook's view and his stops to one.

Funny how he laid eyes on the vampire when he had planned to avoid the vampire's eye contact. But who wouldn't look at him?

The vampire looked so attractive in that pink silk pajamas, legs crossed, sipping what Jungkook wants to believe as wine from a wine glass. His crimson eyes seemed to never leave the bunny, making the poor bunny feel uncomfortable.

Despite all things being attractive to Jungkook, one thing that Jungkook can never find attractive, would be his fangs.

"About time that I meet my new pet." the vampire said, finishing his drink. He handed the now empty wine glass to Yeonjun and stood up from his seat. He went straight to Jungkook, snaked his arms around his petite waist and pulled the bunny closer to him. Jungkook gasped at the sudden contact and blushed when he realized that.

"It makes sounds." he lets out an airy laugh. "I like that."

The vampire buried his face into Jungkook's neck as he released his stress by inhaling Jungkook's scent. It sent chills through Jungkook's whole body, tickling the bunny. He couldn't help it, couldn't held it in, so he laughed.

"That tickles." he gasped. And when he realized that he had talked without being allowed to. His eyes went wide as he gently slapped his mouth as his own punishment.

"Stupid Jungkook! Why'd you have to talk?!" Jungkook scolded himself.

Then, the vampire rose from his neck and looked at Jungkook. Jungkook closed his eyes, praying that the vampire won't do anything bad to him but he knew that it was the dumbest thing as he knew that he wouldn't just forgive him that easily. So he just braced himself for whatever comes next.

The vampire laughed.

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