9 - Jimin's Mission

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The mission was easy. Go into the Dark Forest with the wizard so that they'll be safe. Find Jungkook and bring him back. Easy.

"This wasn't what I had in mind when I planned the mission out." Jimin sighed as soon as he heard about the story of Hongjoon the elf. Now he's even more scared to go but he has made a decision to proceed the mission. He also had remembered that it's almost Natal season, the cold, snowy season. They'll be having problems with the cold if they don't warm up well and Jimin just hopes that Namjoon really knows what he's doing.

"Alright. Here's the potion for you two to get something that we call, legs." Namjoon joked as he handed the two each a small flask. Taehyung glared at him when he heard that joke and he made a mental note to not kill him.

The liquid flowed down their throat and it started changing them. Their tail split and the colours fade into a white-ish peachy colour. Jimin couldn't stop gasping and saying "wow" while Taehyung observed the changes. Namjoon? He was pulling out some clothes for the mermans to wear from his magic bag.

"Oh wow..." Jimin gasped when he had his legs. He put his left leg up and right leg down and spread them wide. "Wahhhh, this is amazing...."

"What's this thing in the middle of my leg?" Taehyung asked. Namjoon almost dropped the clean clothes when Taehyung asked that question. He even looked away because Taehyung was showing it to him. Jimin started poking it and gasped.

"It's so sensitive here! I feel ticklish here even with just one touch!" Jimin was amazed but Namjoon wanted to die right at that time. After all, he's the first person to see the young prince and royal advisor's son's dicks.

"Mom help me." Namjoon whimpered.

After all that racket and finally getting them dressed, Namjoon handed them each a black Tuttie Fruitie Berry.

"This will only change your hair colours. The other colours of your other features will still be your original colour." he explained. "You're gonna have to change your hair colour if you want to hide well. That pink and red hair of yours will be such a contrast in the Dark Forest."

"In that case I'm eating it." Jimin hurriedly gobbled the berry.

"To hide well?" Taehyung asked as he bit his.

"No. I don't want to be contrast with anything."

Their hair colour started to change. Starting from the roots, it turned white to the tip of their hair. They took a look of their reflection on the water and to be honest, they were satisfied with their new hair colour.

"Wahh... This is so amazing." Jimin smiled. Taehyung was staring at his hair until he looked at Jimin. That hair colour had changed the young prince's aura so much, he's getting a heart attack from staring at him.

"But.. shouldn't we have black hair? The Dark Forest is very dark and white is really contrast with it. We'd be found and get eaten in no time." Jimin asked. Taehyung nodded, agreeing.

"It's almost Natal season Prince Jimin. The Dark Forest will be completely white and it drops below freezing there. Therefore, I have prepared more clothes in my Alt Passer bag. And all other needs. Along with my whole rack of potion valves. And my cauldron." Namjoon says as he zones out, thinking of more stuff he had placed in his bag. Jimin and Taehyung looked at him with regret.

"Well, chop chop, time is gold, we can't waste any more second with Jungkook in there needing help." Jimin pushed him to go into the Dark Forest.

"No. We need to wait until snow completely covers this forest."

"But- but- but-! Jungkook could be in danger!" Jimin protested in which Namjoon paid no attention to and asked Taehyung if he wanted some waffles. Jimin pouted and started to think about how Jungkook could be doing in the Dark Forest.

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