5 - Parents

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Jungkook felt awkward walking back to his room with Soobin. The vampire kept smiling to make Jungkook feel more at ease but somehow things feel really awkward between them. Jungkook wants to ask, but he was scared. I'm very sure we can all relate to this situation now, can't we?

"I know you have questions." Soobin said, still keeping his smile on his face. Soobin is really tall and Jungkook wished he can be as tall as that. Soobin also had dimples, which is also an adorable trait that he can't believe a vampire would have. If he could recall, Yeonjun's...

"...scary... Really really scary..." Jungkook whispered as he shivered, remembering what had happened. Soobin chuckled since he heard what Jungkook has said.

"Yeonjun's always the one to hide his sensitive and fragile self in a badass and scary mask. We all know that except you. That's why you're afraid of him." Soobin explained.

"Oh? Sensitive and fragile? I thought... That all vampires-"

"-are strong and powerful? We are. But we also have feelings. Imagine what we felt when you Magical Creatures call us Dark Creatures." Soobin pretended to cry.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I never thought of you guys that way!" Jungkook bowed multiple times while apologizing. Soobin giggled and stopped him, saying that it's fine since he didn't know about vampires much.

"Soobin.. How old are you?" Jungkook asked as he looked up. Soobin hummed for a while, probably counting and keeping track of his age.

"Almost 220. Why?"

"220?! Wow!" Jungkook exclaimed. Soobin swore he could see sparkles in the bunny's eyes. "If I wasn't a vampire, I'd call you my hyung."

"Is Yeonjun your age too?"

"Ah, no. My brother is one year older than me. And just in case you ask for him, Master Min is 326." Soobin told Jungkook. Jungkook's jaw dropped when he heard the vampire princes age. 326 and he looks like a babie?! Life can be so unfair.

"I haven't seen anyone else other than the prince. Where's his parents?" Jungkook asked since he had gotten comfortable with Soobin. Soobin was easy to talk to. The vampire seems more bright than the others. But hearing that question from Jungkook's, Soobin stopped for a while. He furrowed his brows and his face showed anger, rage.

"Soobin..?" Jungkook called. The bunny slowly reached for Soobin's shoulder. He felt anxious. Why? Crap. He don't know why. Neither does he know why Soobin suddenly stopped and looked so dark. Once his hand made contact with Soobin's shoulder, Soobin lightened up all of a sudden while saying, "Okay! Time for you to go now!"

After saying that, he pushed Jungkook straight through the wall but somehow Jungkook went through. Like, he could go through matters. Jungkook's heart beat so fast he could hear it with his bunny ears.

"Ah! Jungkook! How did the dinner go?" Seokjin asked, still focusing on the book he's been reading while waiting for Jungkook to come back.

Jungkook wanted to ask Seokjin about Soobin but remembering how Soobin was so... Scary... He thought it was best not to. He then sat down next to Seokjin and started to tell them about his first date with the supposedly, dark and dangerous creature.


"Yeonjunnie~~~" Soobin cooed as he walked into Yeonjun's room. Yeonjun was currently reading something and responded to Soobin's call with a hum.

"Did the bunny get to his room safely?" Yeonjun asked, his eyes still glued to the book on his hands. Soobin glanced at the book cover and caught a glimpse of the title.

Spells and Magics

"As if you care." Soobin scoffed and laid on his brother's hammock. He loved to lie on Yeonjun's hammock because it moves side to side, like it was rocking him. He could remember being rocked like this in his mother's arms. But when Yeonjun suddenly just swings the hammock faster, that's not relaxing nor nostalgic. That's what Soobin calls "Fuck You Asshole".

Yeonjun and Soobin may be siblings but they're chaotic and different. And they should be grateful that the vampire prince has enough patience to bear with them.

Choi Yeonjun's the prankster. To those who believes the popular beliefs saying that the eldest are the most mature, you all are incorrect. Yeonjun is that happy-go-lucky, carefree person that always pranks people and scares people because it's both entertaining and makes him feel good about himself. But he can only scare Magical Creatures that had never met him in their life, someone like Jungkook. Seokjin and Beomgyu was just the same as Jungkook before, scared by Yeonjun, but they got used to it.

Yeonjun was born a vampire, but he felt like a failure. Therefore, after he found out that there's such a thing as spell casting and magic, he instantly wanted to learn about it to feel more accomplished in life. I don't know about most of the other eldest siblings but some of us feel really accomplished when we do something that is to our liking and important.

Choi Soobin is the younger sibling but he's more mature. He understands what others feel and always try to do something to help them. Soobin always smiles to everyone because his mother said that it was the most simplest way to make someone's day go by much happier and easier. Soobin was the closest to their mom and when they lost her, he had a big meltdown and completely shut off for 5 years. But eventually, he found their mom's diary and Soobin found an entry written just for him. With that entry, he became who he was before - a happy, bright and caring vampire that always helps.

Unlike Yeonjun, Soobin feels complete already. With the many small but happy things going on in his life, he feels happy and nothing can be much happier than living his life. He even believes that learning something so complicated like spells and magics are a nuisance and that whoever who created the word learning itself should never have existed.

"You asshole. What happened?" Yeonjun sighed, still reading his book. Soobin stayed silent and pretended not to hear his brother. He closed his eyes and seconds later, the hammock was upside down and Soobin was on the ground.

"Aish. F you." Soobin cursed.

"Now that I finally got your attention, tell me what happened. You never come here and lie on my hammock acting like an asshole unless something happens. So, tell me or get out." Yeonjun said as he swung his fingers, commanding the door to swing open.

Soobin sighed.

"Jungkook asked about Master Min's parents. And it triggered me to think about Mom - about what happened that night."

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