21 - A Make Up For A Mistake

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The pixie makes her way to the Wizard Tribe Leader's cottage. She lands on his hands as she gets a small treat for all her hard work of flying. The wizard remembers that this pixie is his disciple, Namjoon's pixie, Monie.

"Hello there Monie. Do you have something to tell me?" The old wizard asked. Monie the pixie chattered away, telling him all about how Namjoon got in through because of the witches to how he's now locked in the vampire's dungeon.

"He also said to tell you to go for plan B."

The wizard looked at Monie when she said that. Clearly, the little pixie knows nothing about these plans. He nodded and thanked Monie for her hard work. He told Monie to go home to Namjoon's house and stay there. The pixie nodded and zoomed home.

The wizard breathed in and had a serious expression on his face.

"War is coming, Min Yoongi."



Jungkook chuckled, looking at his lover who was now rubbing his nose after a little sneeze. He looked cute while sneezing and that was something impossible for most people. But despite all the laughs, e was concerned of Yoongi's well-being. Especially after what happened.

"Are you okay?"

"Just a little sneeze, no worries bunny." Yoongi said, pulling Jungkook closer to him. He started to get all touchy with him and the two spent the night.

Meanwhile, Yeonjun and Soobin were on their own mission. A mission to see if Namjoon really was Hongjoon in his past life. He tipped the flask over and the liquid dropped onto the bread. He took it down to the dungeons, hoping they were desperately hungry that they would eat it.


The three looked at the stairs and saw the two vampires. Namjoon didn't seem too happy to see him but the other was slightly happy to see the loaf of bread. Yeonjun cut it in three pieces and handed it to them.

The mermans immediately gobbled up their food, not caring to check if there was poison in the bread. Namjoon however, was careful. He was going to sniff the bread but he just looked at those fools eating it. If they suddenly faint of die, he'll toss it away.

The mermans finished half of their food and that was enough to let Namjoon know that there was poison in the bread. He looked at Yeonjun and somehow, decided to trust him and bites into his bread.

God it tasted good.

They finished their food and fell into deep sleep. Namjoon was trying to fight the drowsiness and scolded himself for not waiting until they finish the food. He knew there was something in the bread. Now they're all gonna fall asleep and not know what will happen. He glanced at Yeonjun once before completely losing to sleep.

Light came up from their face as Yeonjun stood still, staring at Namjoon to see Hongjoon again. Soobin was just excited to see if he guessed right.

Turns out they were both wrong.

Namjoon turned into some kind of pixie, small and pretty. Yeonjun was pretty disappointed but he was prepared for this. He shouldn't expect to find Hongjoon that easily.


He heard the familiar voice. He turned to where Taehyung once was and saw his first kiss, his first love. He saw Hongjoon. He couldn't believe it. Namjoon may have Hongjoon's looks but he certainly overlooked the other two in the cell.

Yeonjun unlocked the cell door and the couple caressed each other's cheeks before they connected their lips, missing the other's touch. Yeonjun, missed him the most.

"Hongjoon... I.. I missed you.." Yeonjun confessed as tears started to fall from his eyes. Hongjoon nodded and replied with a hug.

"Life hasn't been good to you after I left huh?"

Yeonjun sobbed. Yeah. It haven't. But Yeonjun couldn't find the courage to say it. He didn't have the heart to tell Hongjoon that he was suffering here.

"I'm sorry." Hongjoon apologized. "I'm sorry I left too soon and did not allow you to come along." He stared at Yeonjun's crying eyes with warm and concerned gaze, caressed his cheeks and gave him a small smile as an apology.

"Yeah... you're a jerk..." Yeonjun replied, placing his cold hands on the others warm ones. Their meeting wouldn't last forever. Hongjoon will certainly have to return back to where he came from and he will turn back to his present life, Taehyung. So Yeonjun wanted to make the most of his 5 hours.

They did all sorts of things Yeonjun promised to do with him 200 years ago. It most certainly moved Hongjoon, knowing that the one he loved has never once forgotten the promises he made. He even planted a whole bed of those human legends' rose flowers and dedicated it for him. The two spent their time cooking something for each other, playing games, read a book and ending up ditching it after 3 pages. On the last hour, the two decided to just have a heart to heart while they look at the skies.

"It never changed." Hongjoon whispered. He took a deep breath and gazed at the night sky the Dark Forest always had. He rested his head on Yeonjun's shoulder, taking in the musk scent he missed for so long.


"Your love."

Yeonjun smiled upon hearing that come from the only person he had ever loved. It means a lot to him, knowing that Hongjoon acknowledged the genuine feelings he have for him.

"It never will."

The two stayed silent and just gazed at the sky. The sky suddenly had a shimmering white dot in the middle of it and it shoots through the sky.

"A shooting star." Yeonjun muttered.

"You know about it?"

"I've read about it in a book. I can make a wish."

"Yeah. Wish for something!" Hongjoon beamed. Yeonjun looked at him and flashed a wide smile before closing his eyes and wished. Hongjoon waited for him to open his eyes and asked him what he wished for.

"For you to always be happy."

Hongjoon was happy and slightly sad hearing that but he was mostly relieved. He thought that Yeonjun would wish for something stupid like bringing him back to life, or for him to instantly die so they can be together. But Yeonjun wished for his happiness instead and smiled so widely at him.

"Why...?" Hongjoon started to tear up. He didn't know why he wanted to cry. It just came up and he felt like crying. Yeonjun cupped his cheeks and placed a kiss on his lips.

"Because your happiness is mine. Knowing that you're happy up there, I can finally live my life without mourning anymore." Yeonjun confessed. Hongjoon started to cry more as he was moved by Yeonjun's honest and thoughtful words. He couldn't believe that he was the one to be in love with this wonderful creature and he is thankful for that.

He loved Yeonjun so much that the feeling itself was enough to make him feel happy even when he's not with him. He knows, that whatever he's doing, and wherever he is, Yeonjun always thought about him.

Why is it that the Dark Creatures are the more romantic ones than Magical Creatures?

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