17 - Past and Present

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Jungkook walked back to his room as soon as he saw Jimin and the other two being taken to the dungeons. He didn't have the heart to process this. Not yet.


He sniffed a second before sighing, turning around to face Yoongi. Yoongi didn't say anything. He just stared at him. Jungkook started to feel a little awkward seeing Yoongi just stare at him intensely.

"Yoongi, I don't—"

He started to say something, wanting to break the silence. As soon as he did so, Yoongi walked towards him, still in silence. He wrapped his arms around an astonished Jungkook, making him shut up. Jungkook blinked hard. Why was he doing this?

"I'm sorry to put your friend in the dungeons and I'm sorry to be the cause you bickered with your friend." Yoongi's honest apology warmed Jungkook's troubled heart. His peculiarly warm hug even calmed down and he hugged the vampire back.

"It's alright if you feel like shit." He said, making the bunny chuckle a little. "I feel like that all the time whenever I have to make a decision."

They were just hugging each other, and yet, Jungkook's heart beated as if he was in a fight. It felt so intimate to him. He loved this feeling. Yoongi makes him feel so safe and secure. In hopes of getting more of that feeling, he hugged him tighter, clutching on the cotton of Yoongi's shirt.

"We all have to make a decision with the choices we are given. Each choice has their own benefits and loss, you just need to choose the one you think is best. And for the safety of not just you and the others, but also this whole forest, I needed to bring them to the dungeon. Well, the wizard at the very least."

Jungkook frowned and broke the hug. He looked at Yoongi and asked him what about the wizard that makes him a must to be imprisoned. Yoongi let out an airy laugh.

"He was sent here to kill me."


"You were going to murder the Vampire prince?!" Taehyung yelled at the weak Namjoon. He was breathing at a very slow pace and Jimin was trying to aid him but it doesn't seem to work at all.

Namjoon's bag was taken away and all they have left are themselves, locked in the Vampire Prince's castle's dungeon. Taehyung was frustrated when he heard it from Namjoon himself that he was paid by Taehyung's father to kill the Vampire prince.

"I needed the money." Was Namjoon's defense and that pissed Taehyung off. He turned around and grabbed him by his shirt collar. Jimin tried to break them off but with the small build that he has, it was a definite failure. Taehyung stared into Namjoon's eyes with rage but Namjoon seemed calm.

"Now, now, good prisoners don't fight. Especially you Magical Creatures no?" Yeonjun said as he came down  from the stairs that leads to the cells. He came to treat Namjoon's wound as Seokjin had asked him to.

He made a 'tch' sound and pushed Namjoon away. He walked to the other side of the cell and crouched down. Yeonjun was quick. He got into the cell in just a second while everyone was distracted in their own thoughts.

"Well, I guess it's time to treat the bitch that burnt my plant." Yeonjun said with sarcasm until he laid his eyes on Namjoon's face. He was petrified when he saw his face and his heart did something that it have never did a long, long time ago.

"Hong... joon?"

Jimin and Taehyung looked at Yeonjun with wide eyes and looked at Namjoon meanwhile Namjoon just stared into Yeonjun's eyes with confusion written all over his face.



There once lived a poor elf that lived at the edge of the Magical Forest, near the barrier walls of the Dark Forest. He really wanted to attend the wizarding school and learn all about magic. But he was too poor and he didn't have enough money to go to school. And so, he sells flowers to earn money.

On the other side of the barrier walls, in the Dark Forest, lived a rich vampire that had everything he wanted. However, despite living in royalty, he felt empty. One day, he went to the barrier walls and saw the creatures there having fun with things that they call as "hobbies". The vampire was happy to learn all the different hobbies that he could master in just days. He especially loved reading, casting spells, brewing potions, singing and gardening. These makes him feel very accomplished as a being.

One day, when the vampire went to check on his garden, he found an intruder picking his red lyles flowers. He was about to attack the intruder but he saw the intruder attracting butterflies to his garden and the intruder even made some of them land on him.

He saw how beautiful the creature in his garden was. Beautiful blue eyes, smooth violet hair, fair skin and an adorable smile that had dimples. The vampire's heart started to slowly thump.

The vampire started to fall in love with the elf. They locked eyes and the elf became scared. The vampire introduced himself and slowly but surely, friendship grew in between the two.

"I'm Hongjoon. Nice to meet you Mr Vampire!"

"Oh come on! I already told you my name."

Hongjoon, the flower boy, came into the vampire's garden to pick the beautiful and rare flowers, thinking that he can earn a lot by selling them. The vampire allowed him to pick his flowers, but with the condition that he must come to his garden twice a week. The flowers the elf picked, were sold at a high price easily.

The two grew closer to each other as they talked about their lives and their interests. The vampire taught Hongjoon a few spells and potions so that he can be ready for the wizarding school. They grew so close to each other that the relationship they have can no longer be called a friendship.

But the vampire realized that the Tribe Leaders of the Magical Forest grew suspicious of Hongjoon. In order to save the elf, he decided to get rid of him with a way that wouldn't break his heart.

A simple and beautiful lie.

"You know if you befriend a vampire, you get to have a wish."

"Really?" Hongjoon asked. "Then, I can wish for something, right?"

The vampire nodded. At that time, he had his riches ready and when he says he wants to go to wizarding school, he'll give him the money he needs to attend the school.

"I wish that you would love me as much as I love you."

The vampire's eyes went wide as soon as he heard the sentence that came from his mouth. And without waiting a second, the elf leaned in and kissed the vampire, wanting to see if his wish had worked.

He didn't need a wish for that.

That night, the vampire decided to make a gift that was meant for Hongjoon and Hongjoon only. He remembered how Hongjoon loved the flowers in the Human Legends. So he chose a flower that suits their relationship most.

Beautiful red petals, as their blossoming love. The scent of the flower, was made to be the same as Hongjoon's scent. Thorns, growing from the stem as a symbol of their forbidden love. The flower, known as the Rose.

So blinded by romance, the vampire created the Rose in one night, wanting to present the Rose to Hongjoon tomorrow. And when tomorrow came, Hongjoon didn't. The vampire waited for hours and hours but there was no sign of the elf. He then thought about going to the wall barrier to find him.

He regretted going there.

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