13 - The Meeting

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Yoongi strutted down the hallways with his usual blank stare and meaningless smile. It was an image he always puts whenever he has guests around. And this time, he needs to look like he doesn't give a fuck because his guests are the werewolf pack from the north.

The werewolves have always been very loyal to him and they've been a great help for Yoongi. They've never had any issues that bothers them at all and their territory have by far been the least troubled and well guarded.

Yoongi have been known to have pets in his castle but no one dared to defy him. The territory guards have no problem with their ruler having pets from the Magical Forest. They even think that it's cool and makes him even more powerful knowing the fact that he gets to control the other kinds of creature as well. Even so, Yoongi had an image to keep.

The door to the grand hall opened as he stepped towards it. The werewolves were already there and so were his servant Yeonjun, along with his three pets, standing beside his throne. He looked up at the ceiling and saw his armies of vampires flashing him a creepy smile. He walked past the werewolves and sat down on his throne, resting his chin on his hand.

"Your highness, the ruler of the Dark Forest, Prince Yoongi." The alpha greeted as he fell to his knees, showing respect to his ruler. Yoongi observed with no interest at all as the others followed their alpha.

It was Jungkook's first time being next to Yoongi during his meeting with the territory guards and he really wants to try his best to give a good first impression. He looked at the pack of werewolves and suddenly locked eyes with one of them. He had a beautiful pair of golden eyes and it matched the alpha's eyes. When he realized that Jungkook saw him staring, he quickly broke eye contact and avoided looking at Jungkook for a long time.

"Speak." Yoongi ordered.

"Your highness, my territory has been safe for the whole year and I would consider myself a good alpha and have lead my pack well. But as usual, it is the Natal season and we have our two weeks hibernation. If it doesn't trouble you, my prince, I ask for a few of your vampire armies to guard the north territory for the time being." The alpha spoke with respect and the right choice of words. Yoongi nodded.

"Right. Of course. You can handpick the vampires yourself since I know you have trust issues on some of my armies. They're all right behind you. Pick as many as you like, Jaebum." Yoongi made a hand gesture, indicating that he turn around.

"Thank you, Yoongi." The alpha said, calling the prince by his name now that he has warmed up to him.

"Is there anything else? Probably something... for my pets?" Yoongi reminded him. Jaebum gulped as he turned to look at one of the werewolf in the pack. He looked at his brother in the eyes. His brother seemed confused. Jaebum mouthed an apology and closed his eyes. That's went realization hit him hard and he felt betrayed by his own brother.

It's a sibling thing. Betrayals.

"How could you?!" Yugyeom yelled. But it was far too late. He could see the shadows of his nightmares falling onto him. He slowly trembled and turned around to face the two faces of the creatures he had messed with on his first visit to the Vampire Prince's castle.


"Aghhh!! I'm tired!!" Taehyung complained. Namjoon didn't care what he said, he kept on going as he knew how dangerous it is if they took a break right then and there. They're not even near a cave that they can hide in if they ever ran into any Dark Creatures.

"Namjoon, can't we rest?" Jimin pleaded. "My... What's this again? Oh, yeah, feet, are killing me. This feels so much worse than when I travelled the seven seas with my mother."

"You think?! Oh my god these feet have no strength at all! I feel tired after such a short while! It's not even an hour yet! My tail can keep swimming for like 2 hours tops!" Taehyung complained again.

"Oh shut up. You're just not used to using legs. Your body is used to using tails so it's common that you feel tired using legs." Namjoon explained as he kept on walking. "Or maybe your legs are too short."

"This wizard-" Jimin jumped to prance on Namjoon who knew not of what's happening behind him, but Taehyung easily held him back.

(A depiction of what is happening at that moment because I thought this would be fun.)

Suddenly, they heard rustling sounds in the bushes near them

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Suddenly, they heard rustling sounds in the bushes near them. Jimin immediately cuddled Taehyung, trembling. Namjoon readied his magic and prepared to cast a spell in case if it was a Dark Creature, hinting for food.

The tension grew in between them when suddenly an entity came out from the bushes, scaring the three Magical creatures. They screamed, to which the entity screamed back.



"Hoseok?!" Namjoon yelled. "What are you doing here?!"

"Shh! Keep it down. The vampire might hear you." He whispered, making Namjoon shut his mouth instantly. Hoseok then gestured for them to leave and they all nodded, agreeing with him. Once they felt safe, they then asked Hoseok what he was doing in the Dark Forest.

"I felt like I needed to help you okay. After all, you're my best friend. I can't go to school knowing you're in danger!" Hoseok said, being true in his words.

"But you're afraid of this forest."

"Yeah... and I still followed you... it's because you're the only person that has ever been so nice towards me, accepting me to be your friend despite how awkward and clumsy I can be. I felt like, this was the least I could do to repay you. You know?"

"Whatever. You could've got hurt. Then your parents are gonna blame me. You coming here was a mistake. Now I have more burden to carry on my shoulders."

Taehyung could feel how honest Hoseok was and he felt angry at Namjoon for not realising what he's missing out on. He held Jimin's hands tightly and sighed. The things people do to gain their best friend's attention, just for them to focus on something - or someone, in his case - else. He felt like he could relate to Hoseok so much on so many different level.

Born in a wealthy family that works under the commands of the High Leaders, being alone, having no friends other a best friend and being ignored by them. If anything, he felt pity for Hoseok because he felt pity for himself.

"Hey, Hoseok." He called. The fairy looked to him. "Thanks for coming. I feel so much safer with two magic holders in this expedition."

Hoseok smiled.

"Glad I could make you feel safer."

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