15 - Look Out

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Hoseok was the lookout while the mermans went to sleep and Namjoon just couldn't let him guard all alone. It's not that he cares about him, it's just that he doesn't trust him at all. His powers are below average after all.

Hoseok may be the son of a Tribe Leader but he's making their image fall apart. Being weak, letting his family down, a loner. And him coming along with them into the Dark Forest is going to shame his family even more.

"You should go to sleep." Hoseok whispered, loud enough for Namjoon to hear. Namjoon could hear the worry in his voice, but Hoseok always failed to make him listen.

"I don't need sleep. I'm not tired." He said, going through his bag to see if he had enough potions for his backup escape plan. He knew that the plan would most likely to backfire so he had to make a backup plan.

"Why did you come along?"

Hoseok sighed. He knew Namjoon would ask. He didn't have the courage to look at him in the eye so he just talked while looking up to the sky, admiring the stars.

"Because I had to. I can't leave you to deal with this alone. You may have Prince Jimin, but his only superpower is visions and that's really not enough. Taehyung on the other hand, may be good in combat but that's underwater. He's still not used to using legs. You need help."

"But you coming along is tearing your family's image apart. Hoseok, you're just smearing dirt on your family name."

Hoseok kept quiet. He knew what Namjoon was saying was right. But he didn't seem to care. He just kept quiet and just like that Namjoon stopped talking. Their conversation ended with both of them shutting each other out.


"Ready for your first castle patrol?" Beomgyu asked Jungkook, pushing his sword into his baldric. Jungkook slung the quiver with his name carved onto it. He held his bow and nodded at Beomgyu.

"Well then hope you're ready cause shits always happen here." Seokjin informed, wielding his scythe.

"Oh, we've been knew." Jungkook replied, making them all laugh. Then there was a knock on their door and Jungkook went to open it. Once he did, his face lit up when he saw Yoongi there.

"MinMin!" He exclaimed, hugging the vampire's slender body. Yoongi was taken aback but he hugged back never the less. The hug was then joined in with the other two and they all sandwiched Jungkook in the middle.

"Ahhh! Guys! My ears! My ears!" Hearing his screech made them all broke the hug all of a sudden. Yoongi chuckled looking at their little antics. Having a pet really made his stress go away in a second.

"Are you ready?" He asked the little bunny who was checking his floppy ears for injury. Jungkook smiled, looking at Yoongi with enthusiasm in his eyes.

"Of course! I'll do my very best on my first patrol!" He exclaimed. Yoongi smiled and pat him on the head, complimenting what a good boy he was. The other two pouted, wanting to be pat on the head as well.

After Yoongi left, they left to go to the east wing of the castle, the place where they were assigned to patrol. They were quiet since it was a requirement for the patrol. If they were loud, the possible threat would notice them and the threat would easily avoid them.

A lot of rebel Dark Creatures have been wanting to kill Yoongi and it was everyone's duty to protect their ruler. It was Yeonjun's idea to make the pets protect Yoongi despite his many objections. They didn't mind the duty at all, besides, it was their job to make Yoongi happy. And in order for him to be happy, he needs to live.

The three patrolled together since it was Jungkook's first time and they had just met with a group of rebel trolls. They gave no mercy to them at all. All of the trolls were slaughtered on sight.

"Ew, their blood looks nasty." Jungkook commented, placing his hands over his nose and mouth. Beomgyu scrunched his nose as he pulled out his sword from a trolls body. He looked at his sword with a disgusted face.

"Aww... my sword! It's dirty..." he complained. Seokjin rolled his eyes at him.

"Oh come on. You slayed a many different creatures before and their blood get stained on your blade anyway."

"Those are different. Their blood are pretty. Meanwhile trolls have vomit and slime that smells like Yeonjun's uncooked potions as their blood and that's just disgusting." Beomgyu replied making Jungkook laugh in agreement.

Seokjin made a disappointed face at these two before he noticed the same light. He went to the balcony area to look at what it is and saw a wizard in Yeonjun's garden, cooking up a potion. Beomgyu and Jungkook followed him and saw the same thing. They then witness him testing the potion on a plant and with one drop, the plant started to burn and die. Beomgyu gasped and covered his mouth, looking at the sight.

"That was Yeonjun's favourite plant." Beomgyu pointed out. Seokjin knew that this wizard is a danger to Yoongi. He may be a Magical Creature, but that makes him no less dangerous than the rebels. He needs to act.

"No mercy." He said.

"Beomgyu, run as fast as you can and tell Yeonjun about this. He'll bring his team along to catch them. Jungkook, you're gonna shoot him at the arm with your arrow." He ordered. Beomgyu nodded and immediately ran to inform Yeonjun about this.

Jungkook on the other hand was torn between accepting the order or rejecting it. That wizard is a Magical Creature and he doesn't want to kill him.

"No. I won't kill him." He said.

"I'm not asking you to kill him, I want you to shoot his arm. One, arm. This will injure him, I know but Yeonjun can heal him. He has lots of different potions that can heal him." Seokjin said with a stern voice. Jungkook is still feeling a bit guilty to do that. Seokjin sighed. He grabbed Jungkook's shoulder and looked into his eyes.

"Look. I know he's a Magical Creature but he is a danger to Yoongi. You saw what that potion did to that poor plant!"

Jungkook sighed and stared into Seokjin's worried eyes. He bit his lower lip and closed his eyes. He gripped his bow tightly and decided to follow Seokjin's instruction.

He took an arrow and slid it to the bow. He raised his bow and pulled the bow string. He took a deep breath and looked at his target. He raised his ears and listened to the sound of the wind and as he breathed out, he let go of the bow string, shooting the arrow straight to the wizard's right arm.

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