Melting Ice

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Present Day, 2000s

Cold was the only thing that I felt. I was weak, I don't remember anymore how many times I have died. The hunger is unbearable, I don't even know how many years I have being suffering this, if for me was I preferred to be dead. I could not even move, paralyzed on ice, I don't have to be a genius to understand that I am on the deep of an ocean. The last thing that I remembered was the face of deception of my father; I hate him and all of the family, this is their fault. And then I was struggling for breath, like all the times that I came back to life, finally the darkness came over me.

Crack... crack, I was alive again, but these time was different, the ice was cracking. Crack... I could begin to see rays of light through the ice. If this was a dream is a bad one, I could not possible be saved, I was condemned to the eternity. Crack... but it felt sou real, I could even feel the ice melting on me, my blood began to flow again on my body. Crack... the movement of my body was coming again, It was cold but not as the other times. Crack... it was feeling sou real, but again I was struggling for breath, and like every time the darkness wrap me again.

I could feel my body, I was not cold anymore. When I open my eyes all that I could see was a white light on top of me, like a sun, but it was so near me that I could almost touch it. I was on a bed, that was for sure, but this was different as I remembered it. On front of me was a man, that I feel it was familiar but I could not recognized him. I tried to stand up but I could not do it, the weakness was all over me.

"Good his vital signs are stabilizing, Davina bring me some human blood, he must be hungry" the man told a girl near him.

"Who... are you." My voice was not coming out. I am weak, it is difficult to form words.

"Stay quiet, soon you will be fine" He told, his voice was delicate.

The women, that was name Davina, was giving some strange cup with blood on it. I swallow it very fast, like my life depended on it. I don't even remember the sweet the blood was, then I was feeling my strength and memories coming back, and then when I look at the man I knew him although he was very changed, that was Kol, the man who betrayed me. My impulse was to much to hold it I throw myself on him and started throwing punch on him, this torment that y suffered was his fault, if he just would have stayed and... then the reality came back again, he was the one that saved me and not my father... I began to run as fast as I could to the door that was there but when I tried to open it, the sun began burning me, I didn't have my solar ring.

"Stop, James, you must be confused but the time has passed and all that you knew now is very different, let me explain it to you" Kol told me.

"You! From all the persons you are the one that saved me from the ocean, I wish you all were dead. You don't know what it was to be dying and dying again and again. I would kill you Kol for the things that you have done to me" I told him, all the emotions were coming back, and remembering that I was dying for years make me become mad.

"You will listen to him or I would make you, if you want a solar ring you would need to do what I tell you" the women named Davina was ordering me what to do.

I tried to grab her by the neck, but Kol punched my face so hard that I fell back to the floor, blood began rolling out of my mouth and nose. This is no pain, pain is being dying for so many time that I could not count.

"You will stay your hands out of her or I would send you back to the deep of the ocean, but this time I would do it forever" he told me.

"Kol, tell me the truth, how many years have passed? Does my father is here?" I needed to act like I was calm to gain information.

"You were on the ocean for more than four hundred years, your father is very far away from here... let say he is very different from what you remembered from him" Kol sat in front of me.

"Four hundred years" I could not believe that I have lost so many. "My father does still hate me? It was not my fault I he just had heard me on that day... but now I could not forgive him, he tried to kill me" that was the thing that more hurts me, that my father tried to kill me.

"Let not talk about that, James, is time you begin to know the world from this Century. And I am sorry for what I have done to you on the past, I didn't even treat you like you were part of the always and forever of our family" this Kol was different from the one that I remembered.

"I need blood, and need to see the sun" I told him, and it was true I needed more blood.

"Davina, have made you a solar ring. I know that you will have questions but let's go easy today this is much information even for you" Kol said at the same time that he was giving me a ring.

The ring felt heavy on my finger, I need time for myself. I ran as fast as I could leaving Kol and Davina far away, but when I found the exit from the strange building, I just found water surrounding me. I was on a very strange ship with nowhere to go. The sea... I don't wanted to look at it, I hated it... I want my father. So many things I want to tell him, I might be 400s years old but The last memory that I have was from my seventeen years... I began to throw anything I found to the ocean, this could not have being happening. I didn't deserve this, I only wanted to be a normal child and be loved. I don't have a mother and the only one that I thought that loved me tried to kill me without hesitating. I was about to remove my solar ring from my hand and finishing with this suffering but Kol grab me and hugged me sou hard that I began to scream, cry... I didn't even know why I was doing this but it was just coming out. Then he put something on my skin that make me began to feel dizzy, and the darkness came all over again.

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