Alone but not Deafeated

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  Blood, my vision was filled with red droplets. How stupid I was throwing the daggers was one thing but saying to him that they were poisoned was another. I felt sick the venom was making it effect over my body. The sensation of vision blurring and loss of some part of my body was horrible. The lost of blood was making me hungry, I really thought that he would kill me tonight but something held him and thanks to that I escaped.

   I hate myself I brought this upon myself, I had sent all of my available troops to fight his and now I think not much of them survived and less would join me again, not even the witches I think.

   I have to figure out something or I would be totally defeated. The only thing that I had was Kol and Davina but they were back in the hideout and I am sure if I go there like this they would surely turn against me and turn me over to Klaus or simply kill me.

   I tried to stand up from the dirt but I couldn't my legs didn't moved at all, this was the effect of this poison was already on my veins. The worst was the hunger that I had was to much. That blood I lost was to much, I needed to hunt but it was impossible in this state.

Alghough by now the witches had to know what happened to. After all Davina was still attached to me if something happened to me she would felt it too.

There was a movement in the forest, I knew Klaus would send people after me. If only I could move my legs I might already be out of here or prepared for them but in this state I don't think I could do anything. I made me like if I was knock out this would be my only defense against anything that surged from those trees.

My vision was worst now I couldn't distinguish anything. I felt something inside me like if I Was scared but that was impossible turning my human part off should not feel like this. Someone was walking towards were I was from some trees. I knew it was only one person by the sounds of his feet's but he also wasn't a wolf or a vampire, that smell of fresh blood I want it but I couldn't move. He was more near he had stopped in front of me but when I tried to look at him was impossible I didn't had the strength to look at him and even if I could I didn't think I could distinguish who he was.


   It smelled like spinach, a mix of herbs. It was a strong smell, I think that was what woke me up. I opened my eyes trying to adjust to the light. I was in a wood room, in the floor on top of a carpet. Where I was and with who I didn't knew but the person that brought me here didn't restrained me I was free. Beside me was a bowl with a red liquid that smelled so delicious, but this couldn't be blood. If it was a human, the one that rescued me, he wouldn't give me blood unless he knew I was a vampire.

   The blood smelled good I couldn't see anything on it not even smell if there was some drug or alcohol on it. My fangs were getting out of my mouth I was so hungry, right now I couldn't think the only thing in my mind was my animal part to feed myself with blood. I picked the bowl and drank it, I needed more this was just a little.

The door of the room went open and an old lady with almost white hair came through. Who she was I didn't knew I didn't even had see her in my entire life. She didn't had any weapon on her, this had to be some sort of trick no one would ever help a vampire.

"At last you are awake. It had been two days and I did everything I could but without a witch to help to heal your wounds and draw out the poison of your system I had to do it the old way" what how she knew about the witches too. She didn't even seemed like one.

"Who are you? And why did you help me if you knew what I was?" I said to her, maybe she could be an ally against Klaus if that was the case I had to be gentle like the old me would have been.

"I am no one, vampires are not that bad if you know how to treat them and your were in danger I did something that no one ever would have done for you" she said looking at me, her hands were a little bit dirty by what looked like dirt.

"And do you know who I am?" I said trying to know a little bit further before deciding if I had to kill her or leave her.

"Maybe..." she simply said.

   Something was out of the hook here but I didn't knew what it was. She was acting strange but my mind was still clouded from the past events.

"What do you want?" I said.

"Nothing really, but you need to know that you cannot go back to where you came from. Klaus had figured out where your base was and there is no one that would help you. Everyone is in fear by now, you have lost Paris" she said, now this was becoming interesting she knew a lot about what was happening to only be a simply old lady.

"Paris is lost when I say so, I have still one card left and I am gonna use it. But before that you know to much" I said now getting up from the floor.

"I know what some people tell me. But to let you know I could be a great ally or a terrible foe so choose carefully your words" she said to me now crossing her arms.

"You are a human. What good you could be?" I said.

   I started running to where she was but hit something invisible. There was a barrier around the room, because of that she was in the frame door.

"Very clever of you. But if you where working for Klaus you would had already turned me in. So tell me who is your master?" I asked her already irritated by this conversation.

"You would see shortly. In the meanwhile you would stay there like a good vampire. You chose to be my foe by trying to kill me." She said before closing the door, that wasn't necessary because I couldn't get out.

   I didn't had enemies only my father right now and the other were to weak to even try something against me. I needed blood, I could feel the sensation of hunger coming back again. That stupid old lady would pay very dearly when I get out of here. If she thinks she could have me like a dog on a cage she would be disappointed first I would kill myself than being a pet.

   If I lost everything there were less options now. I could go to New Orleans but that would surely bring Klaus back too. So that was not an option, the wolves would never support me again, the vampires would be by now with Klaus and the witches would stay neutral until someone threat them.

  I am in Paris, there have to be someone that opposes Klaus if I only could find them. Then I would surely be back in the game. All of this was my fault, I was trusting me to much. Klaus used that against me, he knew what would be my method to strike him so he was prepared for it.

    But for now I knew that I had to be prepared for her master or whatever he or she was. I needed a strategy if I could somehow kill him or her, then I could use this to my advantage and everyone would think that I was dead and then I could plan another counterattack towards Klaus without his interference. If was to work I couldn't let any witnesses alive.

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