A Diferrent World

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This was a different world, from the one I remembered. The people were different, the live style was different. But thanks to Kol and his power of hipnosis he make me understand more fast this culture. I don't liked the idea of being hypnotized by an original but this was the only way to adapt to the current era. I was on the top of the Eiffel Tower alone, the confrontation with my father was... I don't wanted to remember about that. This world was more beautiful that the one that I remembered, the lights, the high buildings, the ships, even the clothe was great. I wanted to travel this world, well there was nothing more for me on Paris.

"I knew I would find you here, James. You always loved the high buildings were you could look to the world above; you loved to watch the state back on England from the highest tower" Kol was besides me. For some reason he was still with me.

"I am just looking to this new world. I think I would go to explore it, there is nothing holding me... you tried to tell me back on the ship but I wanted learn the truth... Tell me Kol, does he love her?" I told him. I could go with Kol and Davina, but no literally I was four hundreds years old, sou I think I could take care of myself.

"You would love it. And I think, yes on his own way. He need time, I know it would sound hard but you should go for now and let him come to you when he is ready" he told me, yes I wanted that but I don't know where to go.

"And where should I go? But first I need some fresh blood" I said to him, I wanted to put my teeth's on some neck.

"I think that I have and idea, you could go to Mystic Falls and meet your sister" he said, I began to laugh.

"What? Are you crazy? I don't want to meet her" I do not want this, thanks to her I might never have a father again.

"She is a nice person, you could be her friend without telling the truth about who you are. She is in the same position as you, Klaus has never called her, not even a letter" he told me. That was something, he didn't wanted to talk to any of his sons.

"I might consider it, but first you and I would go down there and have a little feast" His face was legendary, he didn't spect that I would say that.

"If Davina catch's us I would be on a big problem and all because of you" He wanted to go down there.

"I think you were in debt with me, sou you would go down there with me and grab someone. You know it would be fun" He would go down there with me.

"Lets go, but only one person" and with this we began to descend.

When we where on the streets, this was like a buffet there were a lot of specimens. Kol was at my side, we let our animal side go out. At the far side of the streets was the meat that I wanted, a girl with brown hair. I ran to her and touched gently by the shoulders.

"You are a beautiful lady on the middle of the streets, would you come with me?" I liked to play with my prey.

"I don't know you but you are a beautiful young man" she told me at the same time she kissed my cheek, this would be an easy prey.

"I want to show you something incredible" I grabbed her by the hand, and guided her through a dark alley, I began to kiss her and to touch each part of her. When I was kissing her neck I could not longer resist, I bite her and began to suck the blood out of her; this was the best sensation ever. Her live was leaving her I could feel it, but I don't wanted to stop, not now. When I was finished with her, she fell dead to the floor.

"James, it time we go home" Kol was on the entrance of the alley.

"Yes, Kol, I would go to Mystic Fall. It time the world learn who I am." I told him, I was decided to let the world know me. I would not loose another moment from this world, if my father wanted to hate me he would learn to do it.

"Wait what? I never believed you would say yes Sou easy" Kol was in shock.

"Kol, you must go. I would do something that you would hate" I said to him, I was decided to do what I wanted to do.

"What? James stop right now, don't do anything that you would regret" Kol was a little nervous by now.

I began to run to the museum that was on front of me, I opened the door, here where lot of persons. Well it is time for a change, I closed my eyes, it time I let my emotions aside; I was turning my human side off. Then I opened my eyes and all that was on front of me where meats. I began to kill all the people that were inside the museum, not letting live any of them. This felt Sou good, I never felted sou happy. There was still a girl alive under one of the tables, I grabbed her by the neck and held her up on the air. Then my teeth's were on her neck, when I finished with her I throw her away. Kol was on the entrance of the museum horrified by the things that I done here.

"What have you done?" He was still on shock.

"Well I turn of my emotions, there were on the middle. Now I would go to Mystic Fall, and you would not stop me" I told him when I was near him. I broke his neck, I cannot let him trying to stop me.

I closed the doors of the museum and began to kill every soul on this street. The people began to run, yes I loved when then began to run; it makes the game more interesting. From the top of one building someone throw me a stone, I grabbed it with my hands and broke it. I jumped to the roof of the building, looking for the responsible.

"What the hell you think you are doing! You cannot kill persons like that" and there he was, Klaus was on front of me.

"Do you think I care what you said, Klaus?" I tried to punch him, but he was more fast and kick me by the side and make me fall to the floor. I grabbed the stake that was on the floor and tried to stick it on his chest but he was more stronger and held my hand. I bite him on the hand Sou hard that he dropped me. I jumped on top of him and held my stake on my arm pointing at his chest.

"Klaus, you think you could stop me of going to Mystic Falls, I would say hello from your part to Hope" his face was in shock he was about to say something when I struck the stake on his heart. He screamed, I know this would not kill him but it would give me time to get out of Paris.

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