Wolves in Paris

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The woods were quiet, although I knew that they were here. It was impossible for them not to be, I knew this was a dangerous mission. The werewolf's if ever choose a side it would be with their kind. Klaus could demand for their help but I had some more better words for them and better conditions. It had been two weeks since that battle with him and until now he had not make another move against me, this was difficult to understand he could be waiting for me to do a move or something far worse he had already assembled an army. I had the witches and some vampires but I needed more power to give the final blow against him, I knew I could not kill him but there are a few things I could do like send him to the very ocean we're he would suffer all that I suffered.

There was a movement near me, I knew this was the werewolf's scouts. It had to be thy were trying to study me before attacking me or talking to me. I was more than prepared, when they tried to attack me I would be prepared although I had to be more swift and not killing them. I smelled them, there was one in the trees atop of me, if my senses were correct he would throw himself in top of me in any moment.

And he jumped, I moved to the side and when he was on the floor I grabbed him by the neck, now was my time he had his chance to hurt me, now I will get information or I would see him bleed until death and broke his bones in the process. I think I had more of my father in my blood that I wanted to assure, I had his skills, his intelligence and humor.

"Where is your alpha?" I asked him holding him very tight and pressing my arm to his neck trying to get his breath away.

"They are with Klaus on the city. They are preparing to attack the witch while you are away" he told me but this was to easy no one would say their plans so easily.

"Where is the catch?" I asked again this time almost taking all of his breath away, the witches cannot fall to Klaus, it would bring my power down.

"Here is the catch, you are surrounded" said a voice behind me, at the time that more werewolf's came out.

"You think you could take me captive, if you try more than the half of you would be dead before you could put a hand on me" I said to them. I knew I was outnumbered by them but fear is a quality that I would not show them.

"If we wanted to capture you, we would had done so by now. There is a reward upon your head, Klaus is paying a lot for you dead or alive" the brown haired girl, that first spoke, told me.

"If that is what you think, I invite you to try and capture me. Although the results may overwhelm you" I said the more arrogant that I could.

"You are not invincible, James, you may be his son but you don't have the same strength as him. But we are no here to kill or capture you, we want our pack to be free again. We agreed to help you for the price of our freedom and we want more control on Paris" this was different that I expected although she said they agreed, but I have never talked to them.

"It fair enough, but you said you agreed? With whom" I asked confused by now.

"with me" when I turned I saw him, why he was here again.

"Kol, what are are you doing here. I said you to leave me alone for your own good" I said to him.

"Yes, you said that but I have promised myself that I would help you this time. You may need an original by your side to confront Klaus, although I cannot come to much near him because of the spell" he said.

He thinks that I have forget what he do to me back there on England, although I could use this on my favor. If something I have learned with Klaus is that keep your friends close but your enemies more closer, if I had him with me I could see every movement he did.

"I could accept your help under one condition" I said to him, if I would do this I would do it the right way.

"What condition is that?" He said looking me directly to the eyes, expecting my answer.

I knew this that I would ask of him, he would hate it. But this way I could he was loyal to me. And he more than anyone would know the true purpose and use of the thing that I would ask of him.

"I want a vial of blood from Davina" I said with indifference as if this was something common.

"Never!" He said with hatred in his voice.

"This the only way I would ever know you are loyal to me and not some trick" I said looking to his eyes for a sign of regret or of treason.

"I would go with Davina to your headquarters. You have my word, but first what is the plan to attack Klaus?" I asked me.

"It is easy enough, once you bring me the vial. I will fill you with the details you need to know. For now I want you to send the werewolf's to Paris and report to me every movement of the others" I commanded him, I did not trusted this werewolf's they had given their alliance to Kol, so the best curse of action was to send them on the more dangerous missions and if they died there was a problem less to weary about.

"Dalliah, you know what to do. Go to the city and gather any information that might be relevant to know. And stay safe and do not begin a confrontation" he said to the one that was acting like the alpha of this group.

This was what I wanted to see they heard the orders from Kol, and didn't asked what where mine. He was planning something against me, I knew it. He is preparing something but for now I would have to put an eye on him. For my advantage he thinks that I was more like a child than a leader. I would prove him wrong, the blood of my father ran through my veins this would be easy enough to have him under control.

"Well Kol, I would wait for the vial in my house, the witches of the city are with my so do not act foolishly.... For the good sake of Davina." I said before getting myself out of there, I knew he understood my message. His weakness was Davina and with her  blood I could make the witches do anything I wanted.


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