Part 2

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I was so excited, my past school was filled with so much tension and drama I couldn't go a day without hearing people shouting at each other or fights.

The car stopped and to the left, I see a beautiful house. One thing I have realised being in America is that the houses are A LOT bigger. I ran to the house and was greeted by Aliyah and my niece Kailey. "Maybe this won't be as bad as it seemed." I thought to myself looking in from the doorstep.

By the time I had finished unpacking it was around 4pm and I could hear my belly rumbling so loud. I saw Aliyah walking past my doorway.
Amara: "Aliyah?"
Aliyah: "hey you okay ?"
Amara: " yes thank you, I was wondering if I could go out for some food. It could help me get used to the neighbourhood"
Aliyah: "sure, be home before 7"
Amara: "thanks Ali"

I put on a oversized hoodie and tied my hair up as it kept getting in my face and went outside of the house. I remembered Josh talking about a mall 10 minutes away so I thought to just go there. I have never been into a mall as we don't have them in England it was quick terrifying I'm not going to lie. This whole experience is terrifying, and having to do it without my mom might just be even worse. I'm doing her proud though, I know I am.
I walked into the mall not knowing where I was going however I saw a five guys to my right. I walk in and see a group of boys sitting at a table, however someone catches my eye. A tanned boy with dark,black hair. He looked up and stared at me. I turned away acting like I couldn't see him and went onto my phone until I got my food. I sat down and was scrolling through Instagram when I heard someone shouting. I looked up and saw the whole table of boys that I had saw walking in staring at me.

Mattia Polibio🤩Where stories live. Discover now