Part 8🧬

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I woke up in my own bed unaware of what had happened to me the night before. I looked at my phone and it was 6 meaning I had til 8:45 to be at school. As I checked my phone to see the time I saw a message from Alejandro.

Alejandro: "Hope everything went well after I dropped you home, I put an alarm on your phone so you won't be late. So wake yo cute ass up"

Alejandro dropped me home ? What the fuck happened ? I don't even want to know. I got in the shower and by the time I got out it was 6:30. I curled my hair so I could be somewhat presentable, picking out my outfit was very important as I needed to make a good impression on the first day - even though I had probably ruined my whole social life by getting shit faced drunk at Mattia's party. Mattia... I still can't believe it. I distracted myself by putting on my clothes and doing a simple make up look.

 I distracted myself by putting on my clothes and doing a simple make up look

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By the time I had finished it was around 8:10am. I walked down the stairs to leave but then-

Josh: " mars?"
Amara: "yes J ?"
Josh: " If you are going to try and sneak in after coming home late do it a bit more quietly"
"Sure thing" I giggled as I walked out the door. My brother let me have my freedom as I was actually really responsible, it's clear he could tell that was a one time thing.
I still had around half an hour to get to school so I decided to go get some food quickly. After getting my food and coffee I drove to school. I saw Hayley waiting outside so I thought I would join her. Hayley was actually a really nice girl. We walked in to the school and when we turned right the first thing I saw was Mattia.


I was so mad I didn't know what to do, I wanted to cry but I know I couldn't. Why do I care ? And why does he make me feel like this ? I walked past him and went straight to first period. Around 10 minutes after the lesson had started the door opens. "Mr Polibio, your late" the teacher said rolling his eyes. "Go and sit other there and do not even try to disrupt the lesson." Out of all the seats left, he had to pick the one right next to me. RIGHT. FUCKING. NEXT. TO. ME. Mattia sat down and took out his pen.
Mattia: "Hey Amara"
I pretended like I could not hear him and carried on with my work.

How could he even try and talk to me after everything that happened. I couldn't concentrate anymore, all I could think about was what had happen in Mattia's bedroom; more importantly what didn't happen in Mattia's bedroom. Was I not pretty enough? Or maybe it was the fact I am not like the girl he was sucking the face off in the hallway. After what had felt like a lifetime the bell rang and the class was dismissed. I stormed out trying to get as far away as him as possible. I felt someone grab my arm, that touch felt so familiar. I moved my arm away quickly and carried on walking. By the time it was lunch I had decided to let things go and just enjoy my first day. A lot of people have welcomed me into the school and they have actually been really friendly. I see Hayley sitting at a table with Alejandro and the boys. I sit down next to them and join in with their conversation.
Alejandro: " try outs are next week boys"
The boys started to bang the table and cheer like a bunch of monkeys trapped in a cage.


"Try outs for what?" I whispered to Hayley. "Soccer" she replied.
Amara: " Can girls play football too ?"
Alvaro: " we are talking about soccer not football"
Alejandro: " They call it football in England stupid"
" what do you know about 'fOoTbAlL' anyways your highness" Kairi said putting on a really bad English accent.
Amara: " more then you smurf"
The boys bursted out in laughter including Kairi.
Kairi: " try outs are next week, same day as the boys"
"I will see you lot there then " I said as I was getting up to go to my next lessons. The rest of the day went pretty fast, I didn't see Mattia for the rest of the day. My first day went really well and a lot less problematic then I thought. I was starting to believe coming to New Jersey was not so bad after all.

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