Part 27🤙🏼

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I look for any spare seat, there was only one left. Next to Hector.
I sit down without saying a word.
Hector: " Amar-"
Amara: " Dont."
Hector: " I swear I didn-"
Amara: "JUST STOP!"
Hector quickly shut up and by this time everyone was looking. I have heard a lot of rumours about me and I'm sure this will stir more things. I've even heard that I faked losing my memory and never was in the car crash to begin with; they thought I said it all because I was jealous of McKenzie and Hector.
I decided to just get on with my work and to ignore the weird looks. After class I see Kairi and decide to speak to him.
Amara: " Hey Kai"
Kairi: " Hi Amara how is you're first day back from what happened?"
Amara: " Well I was late, I walked into the class to see McKenzie flirting with Mattia and then I had to sit next to Hector so pretty good"
Kairi: " Wow :/"
Kairi: " How about we get you out of this place and go somewhere better ?"
I agreed and gave Kairi the biggest hug. I've always loved Kairis hugs because he is still taller then me but not very tall, he is like the perfect size for hugs🥺🥺. We got out of school and decided to walk around for a bit. I have lived in New Jersey for a while now and I still don't know a lot of places, I'm always going to the same places all the time. We decided to get the next bus go wherever it was going. We went to this amazing restaurant, while eating he asked about how things were in England. He was the first person who asked this question and actually seemed interesting. To be honest England in some ways aren't as bad as it seems.
I told him about my mom. What she was like, what she looked. It was nice to speak about her without being upset, I feel like I can finally speak about my mom in a positive way now.

Kairi: " I have a surprise for you..."

Authors note:
Small chapter again... I have been busy the last couple of days so they have been quite short but just wait they'll be longer🤍

Mattia Polibio🤩Where stories live. Discover now