Part 16🤔

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Mattia pulls up next to me beeping his horn as I was too busy on my phone scrolling through tik tok (secretly stalking the boys ). He gets out of his car and hands me something. A hoodie. I smiled at him sincerely and took it off him, saying thank you. We got into his car and he set up his phone to his car radio to play some music. Next thing I knew Ski mask was playing. I started rapping to it loudly. Mattia looks over at me with a surprised look. " What ?" I said. " Nothing, I just didn't know you liked Ski".
"Who doesn't?"
He smiled with a little chuckle and carried on looking at the road. I decided to ring Hector to see if he answers. HE ANSWERED.
" Put him on load speaker" he mouthed.

Amara: " Hello, you okay? Where have you been?"
Hector: " Yh babe sorry I've been ill and my phone was off so I couldn't see that you had called"
*speaking in the background*
Amara: " Who are you with?"
Hector: " Nobody it's the Tv or maybe my mom babe"
Amara: " oh okay"
Hector: " Anyways I have to go my moms going to be home soon, Bye Mara"
*call ends*

Mattia: " Didnt he say he's mom was the one talking ?"
Amara: " Yes..."

*Mattias POV*
I saw that she was upset thinking of what Hector could possibly be doing so I tried to get her to think of the positive things. I must of said "It's probably nothing" at least 7 times. I just wanted to make her feel better. I think she genuinely started to believe it was nothing. By the time I had gotten to her house she was fast asleep. I decided not to wake her. I knocked on her door and explained the situation to her brother. I picked Ama up and got her through the door. " Just take her to her room" I took her upstairs and put her down on her bed. Her bedroom is quite different from her personality, her room was very grey. I thought it would have more vibrant colours. After putting her down I kissed her forehead and left. She could never know my feelings for her, I'm a bad person I should not be with her.
I will ruin her.

I decided to pay Hector a little visit.
I knocked on his door furiously. He answered and straight away I grabbed him by the throat and pushed him up against his wall. " DONT YOU EVER PLAY AMARA, I SWEAR TO-" he started to laugh. "Wh-why do you c-care" he said while struggling to breath. " I don't she just doesn't deserve to be with a person like you" I pushed him and walk out the door. I was so mad. I went back to Amara's house to see if she was okay. When I had gotten into her room I could tell she was upset. I sat down next to her on her bed.
"Stay with me please, just for tonight" she muttered while closing her eyes.

"Okay Bella"

-Authors note:
sOz HeCtOr
I bet he is so nice in person as well😂🥺

Mattia Polibio🤩Where stories live. Discover now