Part 22🪐

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Mattia pulled up outside my house and I ran out as fast as I could. I opened the door being greeted by Josh in the kitchen. I explained what happened and he looked just as excited as I was. Aliyah ran up to me and hugged me tightly, Josh came towards us and put his arms around us both. " Thank God!" I heard Josh mutter under his breath. I honestly couldn't believe it, my first step to remembering everything.
I turned around and saw Mattia at the door smiling. I walked up to him and put my arms out for a hug. He laughed and hugged me as tight as he could spinning me around. " J, do you think I would be able to go to school on Tuesday ?" It was Sunday now and I didn't want to push it by saying Monday, so I thought I would just go with Tuesday. " I will see Amara"
I looked back at Mattia squealing in excitement, we went into my room and put on 'The Originals'. I had to rewind it a season back as I didn't remember what had happened. Mattia kept talking about how he had "already watched this episode" but I said that it didn't count as I couldn't remember. I paused Netflix and started to ask him questions. He explained more in detail what had happened with Hector, like why I was upset with him in the first place to drive to his house. However only i knew what happened at his house, well so does he however nobody has seen him since my accident. He didn't even see me in hospital, my own boyfriend didn't see me. Typical Mars picking out the bad boys🙄.
Mattia and I carried on watching movies on Netflix until we both fell asleep, he already had clothes at mine from before the accident I'm guessing because he didn't go home to get changed,and to be honest... I didn't want him to go. I feel lonely without his company, without my memory I feel empty.
I woke up and he had left a note saying he had went to school. Instead of doing nothing all day I decided to catch up with my school work. I had caught up on all my lessons and had lost track of time. By the time I had finished it was around 6pm.

Mattia: "Hey Ama, how you feeling"
Amara: " Great, just have some babysitting to do!"
Mattia: " Need some help, Kailey loves me"
Amara: "Your not wrong, come over then"
I locked my phone and smiled. By the time Mattia got here Josh and Aliyah had just left for the night so I hadn't had time to do anything. I never really looked at Kailey before, well since the accident. Her eyes are a beautiful blue colour and her button nose compliments her face so well. She was such a cute baby, I have to remind myself sometimes I'm too young for kids.
Mattia came in and as soon as he caught the eye of Kailey she started to scream and clap her hands. Even for a 2 year old she was pretty smart though, she was very good with remembering faces...clearly. Mattia came over to her and picked her up and started to gently bounce her around. I always found boys with kids attractive but this was a different level. We continued to play with her for another hour or two before we all sat on the couch and watched a movie, a kids movie though. I hadn't even realised but my eyes began to drop.
" Go to bed if you'd like Ama" Mattia said soothingly so it wouldn't scare me. "No-no I'm fine, I'm not even tired" I tried to say convincingly while yawning😳. " I will look after Kailey just go. Remember you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow you need sleep"

I HAD COMPLETELY FORGOT. I was supposed to be going back to school tomorrow. I agreed to go to bed. I got up but something made me turn around though. I went over to Mattia bent over and kissed Kailey on the forehead. I turned to Mattia also kissing him on the cheek.

"Goodnight Mattia".

As soon as I got in my bed I thought about what had just happened? Was it a mistake? Was it classed as cheating? Who knows what's even going on with Hector. I ended up falling asleep...

-Authors note:
Sorry for not posting in a while I've been in and out of hospital and school is stressssss ! Will be trying to post more now because I'm a lot better and want to make you lot happy !🧡

(Since the last time I've wrote this Alvaro left NJ, genuinely wanted to cry when watching all them videos)🥺

Mattia Polibio🤩Where stories live. Discover now