Chapter 11

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Time passed and it has been many years since Zeth and Helen went to the land of shadows and took Scathach as their disciples.

They have traveled the world for a bit, kingdoms after kingdoms, country after country until they just decided to stay on a small village at the very edge of a certain empire.

Currently, on a descent house in a small village, a handsome white haired man was sleeping on a bed, with two beauties in each of his side.

Each of the two girls has a beauty enough to cause an empire's downfall. And the man was handsome enough to make even the Gods cough blood in jealousy.

And currently, this three almost-perfect beings, are sleeping together, without a single piece clothing.

The room reek the smell of sex, indicating the intense battle they had last night. One could even see some dried white substance on the girls faces, breasts and between their legs.

These three were of course, Zeth, Helen and Scathach. During their years of traveling, the three of them became so close that they are basically inseparable.

Scathach, after about three years of traveling together, she began to see Zeth as more than a teacher, more than a friend, but rather a husband candidate.

She said that whe wanted marry him, right straight in his face, with Helen standing beside him with an 'ara~ ara~' face.

Of course, Zeth did not agree, saying that he is already satisfied with Helen, of course, Scathach did not feel down, though her heart ached, she still decided to pursue him.

She even declared that if she managed to beat him, then he shall agree to be her husband whether he like it or not.

Of course, there is no way for her to beat Zeth, who mastered all forms of combat beyond God-Like level and has billions of years of experience.

So he decided to lower it a bit and said that if she managed to injure him, then he will agree to her proposal.

At first Zeth thought that she will give up half-way, who would've thought she would persist until the very end.

Unknowingly, Zeth, who only opened his heart to Helen, started to feel some sort of attractions towards the prideful warrior-queen.

Helen, who always stood beside Zeth, noticed his feelings and smiled. Finally, her beloved began to open his heart to another person aside from her.

And five years after that, Zeth and Scathach fought at the top of a random mountain. At that time, Scathach already have the strength at peak stage heavenly level.

Many people came and watched the battle, some of them even died due to the overwhelming pressure, the mountain became barren and all life were drained from it.

In the end, at the very last moment, Scathach achieved a breakthrough, bringing her strength to a half-divine level and managed to put a scratch on Zeth's cheek.

However, Scathach's spear was broken and she lost consciousness. When she woke up, Zeth gifted her another spear made from all sorts of precious materials in his possession.

She named it Gae Bolg, she was so happy about the spear that she gave a kiss, Zeth didn't reject and kiss her back, of course she was embarrassed and didn't know how to face him after that.

But, with Helen's encouragement, Zeth was the one made the move. They talk, went on a date, until they feel comfortable with each other.


Yeah, it's a filler so what?

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