Chapter 1

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Jennie’s POV:

Class is over and I’m currently shoving my books inside my locker while my friends, Rosé, Jisoo and Irene wait for me so we can hangout already.

Today’s Wednesday so that means no extra curricular activities after class as per our school’s policy.

My friends and I are all part of different teams and organizations. I’m a cheerleader, Jisoo is a member of the robotics club, Rosé on Glee club and Irene is the Vice President of the Student Council.

Talk about mixing it up eh?

Our other friends, who for I don’t know what reason are still not here are Lisa who’s part of the baseball team, Seulgi on the soccer team, Bam on the basketball team, and Jackson on the football team.

They we’re always the athletic ones so meh?

We’ve all been friends since Freshman year since we’re all in the same class and remained solid even after making other friends when we joined our respective clubs or teams.

“Where the hell are those idiots?!” Jisoo said as she slumps her back on the locker beside mine.

“Can we go ahead? I’m so hungry I could die!” Rosé whines like the hungry chipmunk she is.

I looked at her amused.

“I just saw you finish a sandwich 3 minutes ago.” And she just pouts. 


“The bear just texted me and said they’ll meet us there. They’re waiting up on Jackson who apparently is having a serious talk with a teacher.” Irene said while typing on her phone.

Jackson having “a serious” talk with a teacher isn’t really new so we made our way to our usual hangout place which is this cozy café that’s just a five-minute walk from school.

There’s not really much students in here since the vibe is different from other cafés. I guess they prefer Starbucks?

I sat down on the single couch on our usual spot at the corner left side of the café while Irene, Rosé and Jisoo sat on the long sofa.

“Are you guys gonna have the usual? I’ll go order for us.” Jisoo asked and we nodded. She stood up, kissed Rosé on the cheeks and walked to the counter.

“So… what do you guys think Jackson did this time?” Rosé asks. 

“I think…” I said as I rest my left elbow on the arm of the couch and placed my chin on my palm.

“He did another one of his stupid dance moves in the middle of the class.” Remembering that one time he randomly stood in front of the class and yelled “Hey Lisa watch this!” and dance his own version of D4.

“I think… he cussed” Rosé said, and we looked at her with a ‘are you fucking kidding me?!’ look. 

“What?? That’s a pretty big deal you know!” and we just rolled our eyes and chuckled at her. Oh, our sweet baby Chae.

Irene cleared her throat and placed her phone on the table.

“I think… I’m really getting pissed at that idiot cause I just a got a text from Nayeon asking me to talk some sense out of our dear friend cause the teachers are clearly not having any more of his bullshits.” She breaths and massages her temple.

Poor Irene… Nayeon is the Student Council President and she’s a really nice girl. She knows we’re friends with Jackson that’s why she informs Irene first whenever he gets in trouble so that his parents don’t get to be called to school. We appreciate that because honestly, Jackson’s relationship with his parents isn’t that great and maybe that’s the reason why he’s acting out. Don’t get me wrong tho, he’s no rebel. He attends class, does his homework and projects, pass his exams, doesn’t bully anyone but sometimes he just does these crazy shits that gets him in trouble.

After a few minutes, Jisoo came back with our drinks and sat back next to Rosé.

“What’s with the sour face?” looking at Irene.

She was about to answer when the door opened, and we heard familiar voices making their way inside the café.

“Sorry we’re late.” Bam said kissing our heads as he sat down on the other single sofa across me, smiling at us. Seulgi did the same but gave Irene a peck on the lips then sat next to her and automatically wraps her arm on Irene’s waist and instantly, the sour look Jisoo was referring to was no more. 

They’re so sweet I wish the ants bites the four of them already.

Jackson kissed our heads also then slumps himself on one of the beanbags across the two couples smiling like an idiot while shaking his head while Lisa, sat on the right arm of the sofa I was sitting at having the same look as Jackson after giving us a kiss on the head also. I shift my head to the right, so I was now leaning on Lisa’s side.

“Okay spill.” Irene said glaring at Jackson and the four tried suppressing their laughs.

None of them could answer and tears where already forming on the side of their eyes as they held their breaths to stop themselves from laughing until Seulgi couldn’t take it anymore and burst into laughter. The three followed quickly and now Bam and Jackson are rolling on the floor, Seulgi sliding down the couch holding her stomach, Lisa on her knees hugging Jisoo’s legs while all of them are hysterically laughing and we couldn’t help but chuckle and shake our heads while we wait for them to recover.

My gosh these idiots!

After five minutes, yup! Five fucking minutes of them laughing, stopping, staring at each other and then laughing again, they finally came down from their high and took their seats again.

“Okay! Wooh! Shit that was rich!” Jackson said wiping his tears.

“Sorry bout that. Okay so what happened was I got bored in class...” Bambam started.

“So… he sent a message on our group chat saying he’s bored as fuck. You guys saw that right?” Seulgi said and we all nodded.

“And being the good friend that I am, I knew I had to do something about it!” Jackson added grinning at us.

“And so, I excused myself to go to the bathroom...”

They were once again trying not to burst into laughter and the fucking suspense is killing us already!

“And then? And then???” Jisoo asked eagerly and the four of us who weren’t with them are now on the edges of our seats as if we’re watching a thriller movie and the killer will finally be revealed.

“And then…” Lisa continued, crunching her stomach as she tries to finish the story in between her laughter.

“He… came back… wearing… a fucking… turban… and yelled… ‘TROLL! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!!!’ HAHAHAHHAHAAH” The four of them were back on the floor probably dying of laughter while the rest of us had our mouths hanging open and after a few seconds…

We were gone.

Fucking dying of laughter along with these idiots.


Here it goes mademe19 😬

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