Chapter 10

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Jennie’s POV:

It’s a beautiful Sunday morning, no pending homework, got my beauty rest, a date with Kai later, and the house buzzing with some 80’s hit song.

I walked into the kitchen still wearing my bed clothes to find mom cooking breakfast as she danced around a bit. This is her and dad’s thing during weekends, make breakfast together while dancing around the house. I used to join them when I was little but nowadays, I just enjoy watching my parents.

“Good morning! Where’s dad?” I hopped on the counter and stole a strip of bacon.

“He went out with Lisa to buy a few things for the bike. Setup the table? They’ll be here in a few.”

Every Sunday, Lisa comes over to work on her dad’s bike with my dad’s help and I think this is the 4th Sunday they’ve been working on it. Sometimes I’d watch them, but I wouldn’t last 5 minutes cause it’s hella boring for me and I’ve no idea what they’re doing.

“Outside or here?” The weather’s still nice and I know mom likes eating out in the fresh air.

“In the garden sweetie, thanks!”

Mom and I are now in the garden drinking coffee, catching up on what has been happening with my life while we wait for dad and Lis.

I’m pretty close with my parents but mostly with my mom. Dad can be a little over dramatic sometimes, so I filter the things I share with him. I updated my mom about how our friends are doing, school, cheerleading and how Kai was an asshole before but actually making it up to me these past couple of weeks.

I left out the part about me probably having feelings for Lisa because I already pushed that on the back of my mind. I figured maybe I just see everything that Kai was lacking in her. But now that Kai’s actually treating me right, I thought I’d give him a chance because he is my boyfriend after all.

After a few minutes, we hear the front door opening and Dad’s voice calling out.

“In the garden!” I yelled and him and Lisa stepped out.

“Morning Momma Kim!” She greeted placing a kiss on mom’s cheek then walked towards me.

“Morning small Kim!” sitting beside me then she kissed my temple.

I rolled my eyes at her and teased.

“Morning Lis! Can you fix your bangs a bit? The sun’s reflecting and it’s hurting my eyes.” I said innocently with a smile, batting my eyelashes and she gasped.

“Your daughter’s mean…” pouting at my parents in front of us.

“I know…” Dad sighed which caused mom and I to snort.

After breakfast, Dad and Lisa went on with their business and I took care of the dishes. I settled into my room for a few hours then got ready because Kai will be picking me up for lunch.

I went down stairs when I heard Kai’s car honk and said goodbye to my mom who’s in the living room watching TV. I peeked in the garage where dad and Lisa are to let them know I’m leaving.

“I’m going out with Kai.”

Dad looked at me with knitted brow while Lisa gave me a plain look before saying ‘take care’ then resumed with what she was doing.

Well that’s Lisa’s normal reaction towards Kai. She doesn’t hide the fact that she doesn’t like him but at least she’s not being mean to him. I’ve never even heard her talk bad about Kai, not to me or to any of our friends, keeping up with her words that she’ll support me as long as I’m happy.

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