Chapter 11

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Lisa's POV:

After crying for God knows how many hours, I drove around the city for a few more before finally heading home.

I'll admit, crying it out helped a bit but shit just really hurts. I can't even explain it, it's like my chest feels heavy but at the same time I feel empty. Like I was a mindless zombie driving around, still aware of my surrounding but my mind was far gone.

Sometimes along the drive my vision would become blurry, so I'd pull over on the side of the road to stare blankly ahead while my tears pour down. After a while, I just didn't bother wiping them off. I drove and let the wind take care of it.

I got home at around 4 am and any minute now, mom would be up to prepare for work, so I hurriedly got inside the house and up to my room making less noise as possible.

Despite the exhaustion from crying and driving and crying and driving and crying and driving, I knew I couldn't sleep right away because my eyes would get puffy. I don't even feel sleepy anyway and there's no way I'm going to school today, so I laid on my bed and for the nth time within the past few hours, I stared blankly ahead but this time, no more tears.

It was just a kiss, why am I even being so dramatic? And mind me, that was her boyfriend. That's what people in a relationship do and it's not like she cheated on me anyway cause who even am I? I'm just her friend.

I guess it's another thing I'll have to get used to.

I let out another heavy sigh and sent my mom a message saying I'm not going to school today because of a headache which is not totally a lie. Mom replied quickly telling me to go back to sleep and reheat the soup she'll make later for when I wake up and I also shoot Nayeon a text saying the same so she wouldn't wait up on me before I put my phone away to finally get some sleep.

Jennie's POV:

Today I feel extra sunny and couldn't wait to go to school. Who would've though kisses could be a motivation? If I'd knew this before, I would've gotten gotten my first kiss a long time ago.

"I'll see you later at lunch?" Kai asks as he walk me to my locker.

I nodded and he was about to peck me on the lips, but I moved my face a bit the last minute, making him kiss my cheek instead.

"Not in public babe sorry." I smiled apologetic at him.

"Fine but I'm getting some later." He groaned and walked away.

I see my friends waiting for me, so I briskly walked towards them, excited to break the news.

"Okay guys I gotta tell you something!" I said hopping up and down.

"Woah calm the fuck down there smol bean!" Bam said which earned him a deadly glare.

"Hmmm looks like you can still walk properly, so I doubt the news is you're no longer a virgin" Jisoo said with her index finger tapping her chin.

"It's possible, maybe Kai has a small dick?" Jackson said and they all laugh while I choke on air.

"YAH THAT'S NOT IT! I'M STILL PURE!" I defended myself.

"Good! We can still sacrifice your blood to Satan." Seulgi added.

"You know what? Fuck you guys! I'm only telling Rose and Irene and-where's Lisa?"

"Probably not here yet, I didn't notice her car outside." Rose shrugged.

"But Nayeon's already here? Hey Nayeon!" Irene called and we look at where she's waving to see Nayeon making her way to us.

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