Chapter 6

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Lisa’s POV:

It’s been 2 months since Jennie and Kai became a couple and 2 months of me pretending to be okay.

She’s happy and I can see it in her eyes when she looks at him, hear it in her voice when she tells story about them, and how I just fucking wish I’d realize my stupid feelings for her earlier then maybe, just maybe, I’m the one making her happy right now.

But nooooo… stupid fucking heart and brain had to catch on a few hours late!

What’s worse is that Jennie won’t shut up about her love life and all I can do is nod and smile as she blabbers shit about Kai and believe me, as much as I love that girl, the level of annoyance I’m feeling right now is hearing Ross yelling “PIVOT!”.

Me and the gang are in the café hanging out as usual. I’m thankful that even though Jennie’s dating Kai, he doesn’t hang out much with us and he doesn’t ask Jennie to come hangout with his friends also.

It is a bit a weird tho. I mean, if Jennie was my girlfriend, I’d make sure I’m with her whenever I can and I’d show her off to everyone because fuck you all, this wonderful goddess is mine!

But she’s not, so fuck me…

Irene and Rosé are giving relationship advice to Jennie. I think it’s something about being the boss and all that shit cause I can see Seulgi and Jisoo murmuring and rolling their eyes on the corner listening to the conversation.

Poor citizens of bikini bottom…

Not interested with what they’re talking about, Me, Bam and Jackson decided to play rock, paper and scissor where the loser gets hit by a plastic bottle in the head.

“You guys are gonna lose your few remaining braincells with that game.” Jisoo commented.

“Jack-son, how ma-ny fing-ers am I hol-ding up?” Seulgi said slowly while raising his middle finger.

Jackson didn’t answer and acted as if he was thinking but then he took the plastic bottle and started hitting Seulgi in the head which had us all cracking!

Our laughter was interrupted when Jennie’s phone rang.

“Hey babe!”


“Is that so…”

“But I thought we were--”

“yeah yeah okay… see you tomo--”

She sighs sadly and noticed that we were all looking at her worriedly.

“Kai cancelled on our date tonight, again…” she explained sounding a bit defeated.

Wow! Can that boy be any more dumber?

“Jen, that’s like the 3rd date he’s cancelled! What’s he’s excuse this time?!” Irene said annoyed.

“He said he had to pickup his aunt at the airport tonight cause his dad’s working late… but whatever, let’s just let it go.”

“Want me to give him a hard time at practice tomorrow?” Bam offered cause Kai is also in the basketball team.

“No need you idiot! He’ll make it up to me soon.” She answered smiling but it doesn’t reach her eyes.

“Yah! Stop looking like a sad dumpling come here!” I yelled and opened my arms and legs wide cause I’m sitting on the beanbag.

She pouted but immediately stood up and placed herself between me and I engulfed her on a tight hug.

Damn it she smells so nice!

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